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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Whos is the Italian Newcastle? Fiorentina?
  2. Aye, well that's mental tbh and I don't really get it. You've made your situation abundantly clear really - you're a Spanish lad who supports Barcelona. How f***ing curious. Honestly, what a c*** you are man. Don't let Muzzy Izzet freak you out - I'm not being soft but you're an asset to the forum, simple as.
  3. Thing is, the longer we stay undefeated at home, the bigger the pressure mounts on the next game. So IF I had to choose one of the two, I'd go for losing the Ipswich game (just to get it out the way) and winning the league. Need I really say that I'd prefer winning both achievements though?
  4. Lap of honour parading the trophy should we win it would suffice. Leave the bus for something more special man!
  5. you deserve to get stuck with the shame
  6. So all of his success this season is totally qualified yet last season's caretaker record isn't in any way misleading despite the fact the club was being absolutely ripped apart from every angle? We could have got Capello in as caretaker last season and he would have likely struggled such was the state of the club. As for complaining re the players selected, after ONE transfer window he has remedied that almost completely with most match day threads showing people are pretty content with the line up. With regards substitutes, we moan about this all the time, yet time and again the player we're all saying should be taken off scores / gets an assist. See Nolan last night as a nice recent example. Also, see Pancrate at half time in the game before at Peterborough. A change was needed and Hughton made it. I genuinely cannot believe we are having this debate. Promotion sealed with 6 games to go and yet still people aren't happy. I was one of the nay sayers right up until the Christmas / New Year period but he has won me over. He has signed the right players, got the right results and instilled the right attitude. f*** knows what more you expect. But you're right, lets get rid now, have our reputations as laughing stocks restored and continue with our policy of screwing up any stability the club has had to chase a possible short term solution that likely won't even work. Brilliant. top top post. And no AlPal, I won't be getting on his back when things start going pear shaped. I'll leave that bollocks to the rats and booers.
  7. Why aren't we even considering the idea of giving Hughton solid time to have a crack at the job? David Moyes went to Everton with nothing but CCC experience and potential. He's been given time to build a squad, and they have reaped the rewards with stability and are a force in the premiership to be reckoned with. Why on Earth can't we even dicuss that? So we lose 4 out of our first 7 next season. So fuck?? Haven't we learned anything??
  8. I disagree. The management structure at the club right now needs exactly one thing: no change. If Hughton fails then sack him then and get someone who'll do better. No need to exhume an idea that's already failed spectacularly in the mean time. Absolutely spot on. The air up there doing wonders for your thought process oldtype
  9. You're right about Enrique's passing, but last night his distribution was phenomenal!! At points when he turned and drove forward, and slipped players in with through balls (3 or 4 occasions), it was like watching a better version of Stevie G At least we know he has it in him, and it's an area he needs to work on.
  10. Reading the press reports this morning, and the news all around, it really is a proud moment for the club. Not just in gaining promotion, but in the way it has been done. A great big fuck you is in order for all the rats who jumped ship. They know who they are, and it's good riddance to bad rubbish. Congrats to all fellow supporters who have had to put up with tons of shit through the hurt and the pain :clap:
  11. Howay man, how can you tell the difference between player initiative and hughton's tactics? Not say it's not true, but it's almost impossible to tell from watching. Ronaldo knows everything man, he can tell you how good any one player from any of the 92 league teams are, he knows what is said on the Newcastle training ground, and in the dressing room and also what was in Shola's shopping basket a week past tuesday! like fuck he can!
  12. i'm proud because my spellink isn't embarrassing
  13. hear hear. me thinks a title change to "Thank You Chris Hughton"
  14. Congratulations to all and sundry. You're all miserable cunts but I love you any way. Howay the lads :promotion: :promotion:
  15. Thats knee jurk if ever isaw it, and who ever said he was top notch. Just enjoy it instead of getting your knickers in a twist The only people getting their knickers in a twist are those who can’t accept any opinion that diverges from the partyline. If you choose to swallow all the gumpf that’s been written about Hughton this season that’s your prerogative. I prefer to give him credit for what he’s done this season and wait until he’s proven himself in more testing circumstances before getting a stiffy. You are playng both sides of the fence here, bonny lad. You are prepared to give him credit (wow, this is big of you) but you would actually rather someone else as manager (hopefully Ashley isnt rading your opinions). Facts are this: He took over a depleted squad bewildered by the events of last season, Had no money to spend last summer. Worked on a week by week contract, as did Calderwood. Lost most of his star names, fortunately. Lost his most influential striker early Forced to play a kid on his own up front but still got results. Spent limited funds in January wisely continued to gain results and top of the league. gelled his squad together despite difficult periods of losing further influential players, Taylor, Barton, Colo, Enrique, Smith etc Improved the standard of football especially at hoime as season has gone on. ONLY LOST FOUR LEAGUE GAMES ALL SEASON Only lost once in thne last 26 league games. Despite losing quality defenders, has best defensive record in the division Has the only unbeaten home record in all divisions will be promoted with at least 5 games of the season left to play. Possibly smash 100 points record and 90 goals for season AND YOU GRUDGINGLY DEEM SOME CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mate, you know jackshit about football and would be more suited to ready steady go or whatever those philistines 12 miles down the road are called. If you accept we probably started season with the best squad in the division then the key task at hand was to motivate them. Now as an unremarkable pre-season programme drew to an end the highly motivated and well organised team that Hughton was managing went to Leyton Orient, and got thrashed 6-1. This prompted the now legendary ‘you’re with us or not’ players meeting, where it would seem a group of senior players (Nolan, Butt and Smith?) decided to take matters into their own hands. We know this to be true as it’s been put forward as the catalyst for the superb team spirit by the players themselves on numerous occasions. Hughton can take credit for going with the flow, perhaps even spotting when he was onto a good thing and creating an environment where the players resolve didn’t waiver when we hit a long losing streak. However, anyone who knows jackshit about football knows it’s a very thin line between the players having a healthy input and the losing control. It’s worked this season and Hughton can take credit for this. He can also take credit for buying a right winger and moving Guthrie inside, as we all thought Guthrie’s best position was wide right and having two plodders in central midfield was the best thing since sliced bread did we not? Next season will be a totally different proposition. The players will think that wrongs have been righted, that they are back where they belong. The motivational spur they had this season will be gone. No doubt they’ll set a new target but when they lose a game it won’t be as easy to bounce back. Confidence will be eroded and taking the lads ten pin bowling won’t restore it. Hughton will have to motivate players who motivated themselves this season, he might be up to the job or he might not. There’s also the issue of bringing in new players – would he, for example, have the balls to replace Nolan and Smith, and will this season’s togetherness remain if two of its main protagonists find themselves out of the team for long stretches. Hughton has succeeded this season by being a pragmatist, which is obviously his natural way of doing things. What we don’t know is to what extent he shaped events and to what extent he was led by them. As I keep saying, he’s done enough to lead us into next season but question marks remain. That bold bit is some serious serious bullshit based on nothing! When was Hughton appointed on a full-time basis? I don't know what to say except that I can't believe a serious grown man would believe that a group of players took the reigns from their boss after getting thrashed at Orient, had a meeting, then went on to stay top of the table, and gain promotion. All the while, the manager did the right thing by "spotting" that he had to let them get on with it, as he really is just a s*** manager deep down. What a moronic notion
  16. How the fuck have Liverpool not conceded yet? Benfica rushing everything. edit: HAHAHAHAHAHA offside you cunts
  17. Those who think Shola's goal was a fluke have probably never played football or are totally shit at it. I mean totally utterly wank at football and not in the "not good enough to be pro" way.
  18. I dont believe in booing, have never and never will boo. Yes that was what I meant (sat here with high fever so my writing isn't the most cohesive atm). I'm not saying that I'm convinced he's top notch going by one season. What I'm saying is that our success this season is down to Hughton. Same as our failure under Allardyce's short tenure was down to Allardyce. The stability he has managed to bring to the club, and the "back to basics" approach he's taken with the players have been the main reason for our success this season imo. This club has needed it badly for years, and nee fucker since Sir Bobby knew how to do it. Not even Kevin Keegan. Hughton has managed to get a bunch of under-performing prima donnas who relegated the club last year to play football again, and has got them enjoying it too. That cannot be underestimated, and I find it staggering that some won't even give him credit for that!
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