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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Forza Azzuri! De Rossi and Motta out is a massive concern but we'll fight on.
  2. It's not. Iceland are a very good side with results to back it up. It's absolute arrogance to dismiss them based on the fact they used to be nothing. We should absolutely beat them. No. England are not a good team. There's a reason I bet on Iceland. Yes, I'm sure you were saying we're not a good team when we won all of our qualifying games and when we beat Germany. We massively underperformed this tournament through poor squad selection and tactics. There's plenty of ability in our team. We saw in our opening 3 games how easy we are to defend against though. I'd have said England will win before the game but I'm not surprised at all we were beaten, they actually could have had a couple more too. I'm not arguing that we're capable of winning an international tournament, but I think a different manager could get significantly more from what we have. People have been saying that about England since 1996. The arrogance of the fans and players, and the unforgiving nature of the media has got to be eradicated before there's any improvement. I've been completely apathetic towards England and as a result, international football for a long time, but this group of players slightly refreshed my interest. Why shouldn't we give a new batch a chance because the last generation underachieved and over stayed their welcome? I don't disagree, but if anything had changed, we wouldn't have seen a fat bumbling Rooney in the center of midfield. We wouldn't have seen an utterly pathetic Sterling and impotent Sturridge stink up the place. Vardy won the fucking title, while Sturridge cried about his injuries and God all season, yet he sat on the bench. Drinkwater wasn't even taken to France, and Wilshere waltzed into the squad having done fuck-all for the best part of two years. Something is fundamentally wrong with the English mentality towards football.
  3. It's not. Iceland are a very good side with results to back it up. It's absolute arrogance to dismiss them based on the fact they used to be nothing. We should absolutely beat them. No. England are not a good team. There's a reason I bet on Iceland. Yes, I'm sure you were saying we're not a good team when we won all of our qualifying games and when we beat Germany. We massively underperformed this tournament through poor squad selection and tactics. There's plenty of ability in our team. We saw in our opening 3 games how easy we are to defend against though. I'd have said England will win before the game but I'm not surprised at all we were beaten, they actually could have had a couple more too. I'm not arguing that we're capable of winning an international tournament, but I think a different manager could get significantly more from what we have. People have been saying that about England since 1996. The arrogance of the fans and players, and the unforgiving nature of the media has got to be eradicated before there's any improvement.
  4. This. Absolute laughing stock tbh. Fans, players, coaches, league, and everything connected with Team England is a fucking joke. The fact that no one in England has a pair of working eyes to spot that Raheem Sterling is a fucking impostor tells you everything you need to know. Someone was saying these players can get to the semi's? For real? The squad is full of heartless mindless garbage starting with captain Rooney. Sturridge is an overrated one trick pony who refuses to play for the team. Played like a stroppy arsehole the entire game, only interested in showcasing his pathetic dance to sell more D Studge baseball caps. Fuck off you bunch of shrinking violet cunts. Spain are out and now England makes it a perfect night. Only Wales left and this tournament will suddenly start to become enjoyable.
  5. Yup. It is mediocre to dogshit as it is currently, and now they've got Coutinho, Firmino, Mane, Lallana and Ibe in contention, and no famous European nights. I supposed they'll claim to be going for the title, in which case they need a brand new defence (including GK) and midfield. Should've gone for Hummels all out before he signed for Liverpool. Although I guess he was always going back to Munich at some point. Had me googling there for a moment!
  6. Yup. It is mediocre to dogshit as it is currently, and now they've got Coutinho, Firmino, Mane, Lallana and Ibe in contention, and no famous European nights. I supposed they'll claim to be going for the title, in which case they need a brand new defence (including GK) and midfield.
  7. Think he'll struggle a bit. He's a bit too soft for that league. Not sure what the Segunda is like, but it's got to have had nutjobs about the place?
  8. We'd stand to make quite a large sum of moolah selling him to either one of these two knobjockey clubs.
  9. Might have forced him to do that stupid f***ing dance though, the daft beardy c***. The wanky dance could be a clue to how JC escaped the crucifixion. God moves through the Studge.
  10. Fuck off the Wales. Come on the Russia in the next round of matches! Sturridge dance is still utter cringe. Thankfully the players got to him before he could complete two cycles of that wanky dance. Once again, fuck off Wales and while I'm at it, fuck off Liverpool.
  11. Yup. Must have had a clear view of it. Any doubt and he's flagging tbh.
  12. Get in. Don't particularly give a fuck about England but really want Wales to lose, and to lose badly. Come on England ffs!
  13. Reactive as fuck. What a cowardly manager. England's football mentality needs ripping out completely and starting over. Hope these changes work.
  14. Kevin Dillon? Looks more like Cristiano Ronaldo to me.
  15. Wilmots seems to be pretty clueless and Belgium play with an air of self-entitlement which they haven't even come close to earning yet. Only Hazard seemed to be up for it and that's because he'd done fuck all with Chelsea this season. Axel Witsel and Fellaini starting ahead of Dembele and Mertens was also a joke.
  16. Forza Italia get the fuck in that was beautiful. The holy trinity with Buffon behind and De Rossi in front of them is a thing of majesty. Expected much more from Belgium. Lukaku and Origi were, to quote the erudite, pap.
  17. Poland beat Northern Ireland by a single goal man not sure how that qualifies them as any stronger than all the other teams scraping wins. Should have been a few more tbh. They looked to have balance in all areas of the pitch. NI were a bit gash and parked the bus, but I was really impressed by Poland. Milik (sp?) will give Lewandowski more room and I think they will grow as the tournament progresses. They'll win the group IMO.
  18. The 3 strongest teams on show so far in the tournament are in this group. I didn't see Turkey-Croatia though. I thought Ukraine and Poland especially were very strong.
  19. On another note, Romania already winning the great names championships with Saponaru and Chipchiu Love exotic names, me
  20. Yeah, noticed the elbow too. Too hard to spot in real time I guess, and it probably doesn't happen if the goalie is more commanding in his claim. He was a bit of a wuss on the attempt really. Got punished. But yeah, technically a foul. Spoke about it in depth on our post-match show. Erik Thorstvedt was adamant it was a clear foul. I thought it was definitely a foul. In the six-yard box and Giroud's body pushed his arm out of the way. Still, keeper should have been a bit more commanding. this. France were very ordinary and how shit was Sissoko's run through on goal Absolutely no conviction man. A team that leaves out Ben Arfa for this guy deserves everything coming its way.
  21. Pinching one of israel's finest, from their own domestic league? Massive coup indeed. What next? Bold enough to bid for Thai league top scorer Diogo?
  22. Suarez threw a fit on the touchline apparently. Uruguay dumped out of the competition. Couldn't happen to a nicer scummy twat.
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