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High Five o

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Everything posted by High Five o

  1. Well, there are some posts here regarding a certain missing plane that according to some left the earth's atmosphere
  2. Guess it safe to say we will not use the option to buy on this one
  3. Did not see the match, but people slagging of Rafa man. We have invested no fucking money, no ambition from owner. How can you expect us to compete. We are a fucked up club until we get someone on board that have some ambitions and willing to invest a little bit more than the minimum. Imagine this squad under anyone else than Rafa, rock bottom.
  4. Agree 100%. Sick of this shit... Hope we can spend all our energy forcing MA out of the club this season, at least make owning NUFC as much as a annoyance for him as possible. It might not work, but anything is better than nothing.
  5. He sold Andy Carroll before all the top flight money for that much. No chance he'd sell that cheap. He may be happy to sell players (though to be fair usually only when we get relegated) but he tends to get their true worth for them. Oh, I am sure he will hold out for top bucks. But I am 100% sure he will sell at the "right" price.
  6. Way to low offer, but I understand why they are testing the water, Ashley might accept something like 30-35 for him, buy cheap, sell high. Textbook.
  7. High Five o


    England winning on penalties, its your year guys
  8. Agreed 100%. We do not have the quality on up front to get something from games like this. It was a okay performance, not as good as it should be, but not as bad as it could. Our performance the last games have been better than the squad is, man for man. Games like this is on a edge, and when we do not take our (few) chances, but the opposition do, we get nothing.
  9. My prediction... D W L L D D L L 6 more points... How's this looking? W W W W
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