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High Five o

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Everything posted by High Five o

  1. I grew up with the exact same saying as well?
  2. I agree, but if there are players available, especially young prospects we should move for them. Waiting in case of injuries should not be the strategy is my point.
  3. But is it less likely to happen 2 Feb? We need to build a squad, let's just do it. Need a winger, cm and fullback imo.
  4. Murphy is 100% shit. Can not see anything in him.
  5. Agree 100%. I really have problems seeing what Murphy brings to the team. So light weight, bad decision making and lose the ball way to easy.
  6. High Five o

    Jacob Murphy

    I find him frustrating. Losing the ball a lot, and just seems extremely light weight.
  7. Why does it fucking matter, it ended 0-0. A goal for us we win, a goal for you, you win. :
  8. That was pleasant, finally a comfortable win. Fulham was crap mind.
  9. So fucking shit. Massively disappointed. We'll be okay, but got to do better....
  10. Quality is not great tbh. Good defensive, but we will never score unless something change.
  11. Can not not fault the players really, great effort with the Pool game in mind. Really frustrated with Murphy. That VAR decision was just fucking shit mind, how is it possible. It's either goal or a pen.
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