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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Aye, but the fact Liverpool are winning isn't surprising. Anyway, just my interpretation of what you said, I'm just pissed off the one time my instinct was right, I didn't put money on it.
  2. I know, I'm wondering why you're making out like the fact Fulham are losing is some sort of shock result. There have been a pile of results this season which have been stranger than this, if you're asking me.
  3. David Pleat: Everyone loves Liverpool. OK, David. Whatever you say.
  4. What? Hardly like some giants are losing to some minnows. No major surprise Liverpool are winning, albeit 3-0 is bizarre.
  5. The one time I don't put money on and my instinct is bang on. Grr. Tempted just to do away with any form tables/injury news from now on.
  6. It's just an instinct really but I definitely can't see Fulham winning - this defies logic a bit since as you say, Fulham have been shit hot at form recently, but logic has got me absolutely nowhere recently. This betting lark is annoying.
  7. Can't see Liverpool losing, meaning Fulham will win.
  8. True. If they come up with enough shit, eventually they'll get something right.
  9. My shocking prediction is you won't get anyone new who the press have speculated you're after.
  10. Neil

    La Liga - 10/11

    What sort of teams do you expect to be playing in your last games, VI? Levante, Depor and... is it Racing? I imagine there'll be some rotation but I can't see Pep just playing full on B-teams.
  11. Head to head leagues are a crock of shit.
  12. Me. Assuming you're paying for my flights and accommodation? That's odd actually, earlier today I was thinking "hey, Dan's living in/near Philly isn't he?" True story.
  13. Aye - not actually us you and Spurs, but in fact, err, Premier League equivalents of these teams?
  14. Most generic statement ever. Tottenham, Everton and Newcastle must be the 3 most used clubs when it comes to a "these clubs are thought to be interested" line.
  15. I remember that twat Marney schooling us on New Year's Day 5 or 6 years ago. Got knobbed 5-2, he scored twice. Grim.
  16. Michael Owen: Megacunt Vol. 7
  17. wouldnt be a real summer transfer window without that happening
  18. could almost be the everton summer activity prediction....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! True.
  19. No, not really. There's nothing wrong with most of the squad. The major problem is that we've forgotten how to defend. We have two utter fucking jokers in Dunne and Collins, who have been dreadful all season (and were, apparently, out on the piss till 4am the morning of the West Brom game), who the manager won't drop, while Carlos Cuellar sits on the bench. Kyle Walker is going to be a great midfielder, but he is never in a million years a full back. Luke Young has steadied the ship since coming in at left back. Ashley Young will go, and to be honest, that's a good thing, he's been poor for almost two years now, and both he and the club could benefit from a change. At the start of the season, I thought it would be hard to make the top six again. Looking at the way the season has panned out, I now think it would not have been impossible. Having said that, for this squad to have spent most of the season in the BOTTOM six is absolutely unacceptable, and that is down to the manager, I am afraid. Entirely agree about Young. He just isn't playing well enough but you could still get a decent fee from someone. What's happened to Albrighton?
  20. June In - a sense of hope and positivity about what the summer and next season will bring. August Out - the last drops of optimism after Emmerson Boyce is presented as a "marquee signing", closely followed by the capture of Chris Iwelumo on loan.
  21. Loved it last year when he picked a fight with Moyes when we were outplaying them. I wonder who'd win that one.
  22. Probably the best weekend in North East football for quite some time. Well done Whitley.
  23. Where do you need to strengthen apart from get a good striker or 2 KD? A centre back? I dunno, seems a stereotypical criticism but I still think teams can bully Spurs and get up and at them.
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