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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Hence the problem they have. They're going to have to splash out a significant sum of money just to stay in the same position they are now, squad-wise. Values? I don't know, at a guess: Mensah: £4-6m Onouha: £5-7m Elmohamady: £2-4m Welbeck: well.. I'm sure I read SAF was tempted to keep him when he comes back? Also figures of around £8-10m have been banded about, I believe. So basically if they were to get those 4 players permanently, they'd need a minimum of £20m I reckon, and it could easily pass £25m.
  2. Due back shortly though. They may decide to keep their powder dry instead of replacing him and having a push for Europe this season. They're out of the cup and have small cushion in the league with 15 games to go. With only 2 strikers? They'll have to sure as hell hope neither gets injured. I can't see them sticking with just 2 in their squad; they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. They could easily switch to one up front if either Gyan or Wellbeck got injured imo. They may feel they'll get better value for money in the summer. I'm not saying they will or they should but they might just cross their fingers for a couple of months. I hope they do stick with 2, as I'd put my house on us finishing above them. I think their better play has come from playing 2 up top. If circumstances do dictate in them going back to 1, it would be a step backwards and I think they'd take a few corresponding steps back down the league if that were to happen. I know it's just hypothesising but still. I take your point regarding the January window, like. Some right ripping off takes place.
  3. When he plays well, we play well. Something's been up with him though for pretty much all this season, just hasn't been his usual self. Get him playing with more confidence and we'll climb the table without doubt.
  4. As I say, he's contributed significantly of course, but not to the 'one man band' extent he did last year.
  5. Due back shortly though. They may decide to keep their powder dry instead of replacing him and having a push for Europe this season. They're out of the cup and have small cushion in the league with 15 games to go. With only 2 strikers? They'll have to sure as hell hope neither gets injured. I can't see them sticking with just 2 in their squad; they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.
  6. Good point. In which case they've GOT to get in a striker.
  7. aye their form took a marked turn for the better when he was crocked. Yep. They're nowhere near as dependent on him this season as they were last year. They will however need to bring in a decent striker - they surely can't rely on just Gyan and Welbeck for the rest of the season, can they?
  8. Is that the all new revised relegation zone?
  9. Interesting test this. I don't think you'll have too much pressure on yourselves; the media will be more interested in seeing how the all-conquering Spurs get on IMO. Is Carroll back? If so, you'll get something. If not, I think they'll edge it by the odd goal.
  10. What are the chances of Bent suddenly "not being that great" according to Sunderland fans or stuff along those lines? Bent carried the entire Sunderland team last year - one of the most one-man teams I've ever seen. He's done brilliantly for them - the reasons for his apparent departure remain to be seen.
  11. Neil

    England Form XI

    For some reason the inclusion of Sears tickled me most.
  12. Neil

    Alan Pardew

    He's one very bad game and a Gyan fluke away from being in the "great" category IMO. Has to be 'good', surely?
  13. Basically, yes, you are. As long as your players are professional about it, you'll keep well clear of any serious relegation fight. Top 10 should realistically be your target now.
  14. Neil


    FACT: people who end their sentence with FACT make their FACT sound more important. FACT. is that END OF ? Says it all, really. That's a FACT. I'd go as far as TRUTH.
  15. Neil


    FACT: people who end their sentence with FACT make their FACT sound more important. FACT. is that END OF ? Says it all, really.
  16. Neil

    Alan Pardew

    Seemed to make the right calls yesterday apart from Smith, who is playing worryingly regularly. Otherwise, it seems you were fairly comfortable once you got ahead and only a big slice of fortune for them got them a point. Still, you matched them for passion and more, so in my eyes, Pardew did a good job.
  17. Neil

    Pitch invasions

    When the FA are not run by clowns, idiots and fraud's. Could be waiting a while. I'm sorry mate, but it's the first thing I noticed in this thread. He steps past one... Past two..... Oh but it's over!
  18. Neil


    North-east of Northern Ireland, I'm sure that's what he meant. Still not right, like.
  19. Neil


    FACT: people who end their sentence with FACT make their FACT sound more important. FACT. http://images.chemistdirect.co.uk/images/productimages/large/dettol_anti-bacterial_multi-action_cleaner_152407.jpg It does exactly what it says on... no, sorry, wrong one.
  20. Neil


    FACT: people who end their sentence with FACT make their FACT sound more important. FACT.
  21. This is strange to say but I think it's long been true: Cahill's contributions are of course significant, but we have, and will continue to do fine without him. Finally Moyes is playing 2 up front, and more importantly, is finally giving Beckford a proper chance which personally I've been calling for, for quite a while. He's come up 2 leagues, he needs some confidence so finally it seems Moyes is showing faith in him. That's not to say I don't want a striker brought in and this supposed Bent deal will probably irk a few of us Evertonians - he is exactly the sort of player we need and I'm pretty sure he'd come (unless there is a very specific reason for him wanting to go to Villa) but there's not a cat in hell's chance of getting him, unless Sunderland are willing to accept a multi-pack of Party Rings and a lifetime supply of Victor Anichebe. And Cronky: that's the frustrating thing. We did improve massively in the 2nd half - probably with an ear-bashing from Moyes the cause - and we are very capable of playing some pretty good football (albeit pace has been an issue); but it's a case of what if? The reason we required such an improvement was because in the first half we yet again produced our standard Anfield spineless surrender. If we had taken it to them like that from the off I think we could well have won it. Anyway, looking ahead, broken record time but we'll climb the table IMO. As bizarre as this sounds, Sunderland should be our target. I never thought I'd hear myself saying that 22 games into the season but hey, I sure want to be 6th and if we can put a run together like I know we can then a lot of things are still possible from this season, due to the open nature of the table. Edit: Arteta was injured for about a year since the Newcastle game of Feb 2009, Parky; this season he's simply not been near his best.
  22. For someone who has scored consistently over the past 5 years (bar perhaps his first season at Spurs), £18m seems about right. Not that 'right' prices exist, it's merely relatively subjective.
  23. He's lucky to be in the Everton job ffs. We're underperforming massively. This is the type of opinion were often accused of having, one day your going to get JFK as manager then you will beg Moyes to come back. tight table man, interested to know where everton fans think they should be this season? presumably above us and the mackems, right up with spurs... have they backed moyes enough to achieve that year in year out, there's not much standing still goes on in top flight football, if you're not developing the squad and moving forwards, more often than not you're going backwards There's no doubt our total lack of finances plays a big part, yes, and it would be foolish to not recognise that. However the point is, this squad Moyes has, "the best I've had at Everton" to quote the man himself, is not performing anywhere near where they should be - which I consider to be in and around the top 6. That said, you're quite right, the tightness of the table means our season isn't over yet but it's been a clear underperformance to which most of the staff - players and management - need to take responsibility for.
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