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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Yes it's pre-season but it's good to see us getting some wins. Too often we've had a poor pre-season and considering our starts over the past few years, it's encouraging. Of course, I'm more interested to see how we do when we have a proper test (Wolfsburg away arranged).
  2. He will.* *providing he isn't injured all season.
  3. Watching us the first half of the season when he was playing, I did too.
  4. I think Dave's having a breakdown.
  5. Very good point. True, although that relies on the other teams using the money wisely. For £30m you could buy at least 3 players all as good as Milner. Reminds me of: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Sport/Pix/columnists/2010/3/23/1269356616705/Joleon-Lescott-injured-hi-002.jpg = http://www.skysports.com/Images/222494.jpg + http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00488/distin_280x390_488144a.jpg + http://centerholdsit.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/4899914.jpg + http://www.freegiftgenie.co.uk/images/cash_682_451380a.jpg
  6. Neil


    What about europe then...... f*** Shearer, what about Shola? Shola - 19 Sunderland - 5 You must be shitting me. Shola Ameobi has 19 European goals?
  7. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    So if we tell you he's great, we're lying, but if he's shite, we're just bitter? Average player who might go on to better things with some solid coaching but I really can't see him being much more than a mid-table PL player. The more games he gets, the better I guess. Good luck to the lad, despite the debacle surrounding it.
  8. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    So you don't want an honest assessment of him then? The quote from Dresden is bang on. It's not like it doesn't include his positive traits, either.
  9. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    Ok then... He's mint.
  10. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    From a rather anal Everton follower. Rather accurate.
  11. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    Moyes will be seething privately but ultimately I don't think it warrants mass public rage. Oh well. Good luck to the lad.
  12. That sounds good to me, Greg. A couple of months or so between each seems good as for them not to lose their edge, but obviously it depends when people are available.
  13. Definitely. I thought there was no way Fulham would go any direction other than backwards after Hodgson left but Jol is a smashing appointment.
  14. Where else do you see yourself playing?? There's one position i'd love to have a shot at, but the mere suggestion would probably be laughed at forever more. I just don't think i've got a particularly good defensive brain in the slightest. If i'm ever to not fuck up, it's thanks to a pre-bollocking from either yourself or Crofty. It's like i need a list of instructions, or simply to have my hand held constantly. I started a 'help me' thread a while back in the NOFC forum and i read your extended reply a good three or four times, but i don't know, i guess a general awareness is something you just can't teach. I mean, there was one point fairly late in the game, where i managed to zip back during a Red counter and intercepted a through ball. I did the donkey work pretty well - ie "MUST STOP PASS" - then just didn't have a fucking clue what to do with it upon arrival, and ended up just being tackled on the edge of the box. Absolutely gifted them a fresh opportunity, moments after having done fairly well to extinguish the initial one. Obviously, the easy, childish option is to say "i wanna go upfront" - but i think given the choice every fucker would like to play up there. I suppose assigning positions to players like myself is something that can only be achieved through training. With some players, they're obviously a defender, or obviously a winger, or whatever. But for some of the clogger jack-of-all-trades, it's harder to pin a place upon them. For school and such-like i always played upfront but that was years ago now. I dunno. Without being a mopey, "o im so shit luk at me" fucker i suppose i'm just getting a bit narked about the whole shabang. I know i don't travel as far as some, but it's just a bit gut-wrenching getting up at that time, travelling that distance just to play absolute turd every time. Bleurgh. End of mope. Up front is the hardest position to play well IMO. Just have a go up top next time for a bit Yorkie and see how you do. Nowt stopping you.
  15. Well played everyone, had a great day and night even if the result wasn't what was required. I thought 6-2 was very flattering but the best team did win. Absolute nightmare trying to deal with Stu, KenDahl and that other lad who ran the show for spells (Deano - Greg's mate? Not a clue). Hopefully not too long to wait for the next match.
  16. We are above needing to stick to positions like you lot.
  17. I won't for long, I'll be waging damage before you know it.
  18. Trainers it is. Admittedly, that could cause all sorts of comical embarrassment if the rain doesn't ease off.
  19. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    Wahey! Really though you should be pissed off at your admin and people behind the scenes, not Gosling. It's a clanger of epic proportions, something Newcastle-esque, and really you ought to be concentrating why your club lost you £3-5m not take it out on Gosling. I've already said it was incompetency from the club, but you expect a bit more from a player who gave every assurance he'd sign (it's not like this is the first time we've used a verbal contract nor do I reckon it's rare in football) and was being helped out massively by the club regarding his injury. As I've already said, I reckon his agent turned his head.
  20. Neil

    Dan Gosling

    The comment mentioned by TT made me cringe, I won't lie.
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