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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Serves Man Utd right for relying on only 3 strikers, of whom 1 is over-relied on, 1 is inconsistent, and 1 is a perma-crock. I assume they'll recall Welbeck.
  2. Agreed. Moreover, you just wouldn't screw with MVB, he will pretty much fuck you up.
  3. Headless chicken perhaps, but an annoying headless chicken to play against, hence the Kuyt comparisons. I agree they desperately miss Lucio, I was generally impressed by their mental toughness - especially after getting it to 1-1, they kept pressing looking for a 2nd and it duly arrived.
  4. Klose was shit recently and all season. Has only scored 2 goals in the Bundesliga iirc. Ah right. I still live in a world of "HE ALWAYS SCORES AT THE WORLD CUP YOU KNOW!?"
  5. After their poor start I was very impressed with Bayern tonight, probably because I didn't expect much from them. They weren't spectacular but they were persistent and although Man Utd weren't at their best, few can say they didn't deserve to take a lead into the 2nd leg. Can someone who watches them more tell me: what's the deal with Klose? Was he carrying a knock, hence not starting? That said, Olic looked good, if more in a Dirk Kuyt sort of way than anything else. Good win for Lyon as well. Can't see Bordeaux overturning that.
  6. For once, didn't post beforehand, and for once, I actually won. Hoping to build up some funds - £2 on Lyon, Cardiff, Luton and Stevenage returned a titanic £19. Been on a shite streak recently.
  7. So how does everyone think the CL ties will go? For me Bayern v Man Utd:1-1 1st leg, 3-1 Man Utd 2nd leg - Man Utd win 4-2 agg. Lyon v Bordeaux: 2-1 Lyon 1st legt, 2-1 Bordeaux 2nd leg - Lyon on pens. Inter v CSKA: 1-0 Inter 1st leg, 2-2 2nd leg - Inter win 3-2 agg. Arsenal v Barca: 1-1 1st leg, 3-1 Barca 2nd leg - Barca win 4-2 agg.
  8. Neil


    They seem to have made not only threads about Newcastle, but threads about the fact they were making threads about Newcastle. Worrying.
  9. Sven is in charge of the Ivory Coast for the World Cup. I didn't catch most of it but there was a debate on Talksport this morning about his 'excessive' pay for the role, and how he could do worse than to give some of it to an Ivorian charity. Anyone catch it?
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really do think the fact the mental side of things will be huge. Forget the playing staff just for a second: the fact there's a buzz around the club, a new-found confidence, hunger and energy within the players it seems - this could be huge as you go into the season next year. Of course, yes, what happens over the summer will be key in maintaining that momentum, but let's hope the players can take the confidence winning consistently, albeit at this level, has given them.
  11. And egg-sucking you will do no more in a week's time.
  12. I think midds has nuclear warfare in mind here.
  13. Any idea if you took the strategy suggested on here of lying about the attendance? Did it top the 700,000 mark?
  14. Basically Davies was just saying how you were the better side and wishing you well.
  15. Tell you what, the way Enrique, arguably your best and most popular player, came inside and tucked it home for 2-0 and to confirm promotion, was in a way similar to your 5-0 v Man Utd. No, different level of opposition for the time being but it was probably a perfect end to this game which sees you up.
  16. I reckon Enrique's made a few people particularly happy. Man City 2-0 as well. Fucking hell, good night for betting, probably why I didn't.
  17. Forest's passing has been pretty poor really. 2nd half is a bit of a non-event at the moment, Guthrie and Nolan need to re-establish control of the midfield and get things moving.
  18. P.S. Carroll's been poor so an overhead kick winner from him is nailed on.
  19. You look the better team but you don't have much penetration up front tonight. The midfield, whilst debatably not PL standard, is at least showing some composure and keeping the ball moving. Your defence looks solid and calm albeit you've barely been tested.
  20. I liked that: shite passage of play and Enrique concludes, "right, fuck this, BANG".
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