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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    If we're promoted...

    I'm not sure where or when but I vaguely remember watching a game many years ago, I think from one of the lower divisions but it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It was a leading team in the division, playing a fairly standard home game against mediocre opposition and when they went 1-0 up, there was a pitch invasion.
  2. Neil

    If we're promoted...

    I'm not sure if it's a common agreement around here but I remember reading some posts about not really wanting to celebrate promotion; I appreciate the point of not wanting to see it as massive achievement but surely it's worthy of a decent celebration?
  3. Yet more evidence there that Messi is just a poor man's Osman.
  4. It'd be similar to my usual (poor) strategy of regularly chipping it down the middle on FIFA, and the keeper just standing there and catching it. Pleased he got that goal, hopefully a bit more confidence.
  5. Valdes couldn't have given him a larger target there.
  6. Pennant is going to upstage Messi.
  7. It's just silly. Silly, silly man.
  8. VI, in a strange way are you revelling in Madrid's continued persistence in the league? They keep on winning and putting you under pressure - is that more enjoyable in terms of the continuing title battle rather than it being a bit of a boring procession towards first place?
  9. Messi is just a poor man's Leon Osman.
  10. 1-1. I don't know why, you should win it but I just have a niggling feeling Bristol will get something. Perhaps a bit of over-confidence on your part?
  11. I appreciate it's an outside bet but no chance if they continue to play like they did tonight. Olympiakos are an average side by these standards and Bordeaux were second best for large periods, at home.
  12. Not sure what I have to do to win a bet at the moment. 1-0 up vs 10 men and they contrive to concede and make it 10 v 10 within 5 minuts. Fucking hell man.
  13. Since when were Bordeaux this shit? They're being outplayed by fucking Olympiakos at home.
  14. Diarra red card. What the fuck have I done to deserve this?
  15. 3-0, 3-0, and 1-0 vs 10 men. If this doesn't come through then I will cry.
  16. You can get 6.5 for Olympiakos or draw at bet365, surely it's worth it as that's the only game I can see fucking things up for you now. The disadvantage of not having an online account.
  17. Wow. This wasn't supposed to happen. Let's hope it stays the same.
  18. Just ridiculous. That ball from Messi was disturbing.
  19. £10 on Newcastle -1, Barca -1 and Bordeaux.
  20. 3rd last game of the season is when it'll be.
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