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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Nah, I think half a season solid football in a decent Championship side will help him. He's shown a lot of promise but we've got a (relatively) settled side atm. I say give him his main chances next season. Neville has been ridiculously bad for the past few months though. I was watching him closely on Saturday and I'm pretty sure he didn't win a single tackle without conceding a foul, the amount he dived in for and didn't even come close to winning was unreal. My head nearly exploded when I saw a match report the following Monday which had Neville's world cup chances as its main angle. Coleman should be building up his experience with us. We've got nothing to play for now anyway. Oh yeah, on the field Neville has been poor recently. When he's not doing the odd very humorous stepover and the odd game of solid tackling, he doesn't offer much. Clearly on the field for "experience" and a "wise head". Wouldn't be surprised or disappointed to see Coleman become first choice next year. I honestly think 8-10 consistent weeks of playing will help him loads though.
  2. Nah, I think half a season solid football in a decent Championship side will help him. He's shown a lot of promise but we've got a (relatively) settled side atm. I say give him his main chances next season.
  3. What the fuck were Ipswich playing at? Jesus Christ, they've been good at home as well recently.
  4. Goals for Bremen and Blackpool, good stuff.
  5. I thought that was supposed to be a bit of a myth, the whole "they only turn up against better sides"? They've trounced some poorer sides at home.
  6. Why, why did you have to do that...
  7. You wanting 'certainties' or value-bets? Southampton are the closest thing to a banker you'll get tonight.
  8. That team news gives me one thought: I can't see you winning. Got draw written all over it......... I think. Maybe.
  9. Don't do that to me. Not saying it'll happen. But I can see Augsburg scoring an early goal like vs. Cologne and then they'll have a very good chance. Still think Bremen will win because they take this game serious (they rested 4 or 5 of their best players last Saturday) Aye, I know it's more of an outside bet from your point of view. I was thinking the same: Bremen were likely to take this game seriously but yeah, I'll be sweating if Augsburg nick an early lead.
  10. £10 on Bremen, Ipswich and Southampton. (I'm weeping if that doesn't come off) £2 on Blackpool, Walsall and Notts County.
  11. At the moment I'd have to say 17th would be regarded as a success. Maybe Mike will surprise everyone and splash the cash. Hmm.
  12. How would you be able to say it was Carroll's absence that would mean you'd finish outside the top 2? Besides, it's going to take a lot, lot more than Carroll not playing for you to screw this up.
  13. Why? What has he been convicted of? If he's found guilty of an offence at this court case but not sent to prison because that offence doesn't warrant it, does that mean they've got wrong? I'd find it incredible that he would avoid a prison sentence if he were to be convicted of assault occassioning ABH, which I'd dare say this comes under (if true). What happened to the apparent glass-throwing incident anyway?
  14. Wonder how long Ash considered what he'd typed before the BackSpace key was furiously bashed.
  15. Carroll, by all accounts, should be behind bars by now. No-one is above the law? Well if rumours regarding him in the recent past, including this, are found to be true, he's climbing pretty close. Unfortunately he's vitally important for you at the moment so I would be shocked if he gets anything more than a fine and a slap on the wrists. Which is a crying shame.
  16. Tooj, you probably have watched more of Pele, Maradona and whoever you want to name, than myself. However you haven't explained how saying Messi would arguably the best player the game has seen if he continues at the level he's currently at, is an incredible suggestion? I say 'arguably' because ultimately, everyone will have their own personal opinion about what actually makes someone 'the best'.
  17. If Messi continues as he is, then he will arguably be the greatest player the game has ever seen.
  18. Inconsistent yes, but on a free and for a relatively decent wage, I'd snap him up.
  19. Money-saving tip, don't go odds-on away from home. I'm not sure if it is profitable in the long run but I a) don't pick many aways at all usually and b) only really do them if they're (relatively) good value at more than evens. I really hate odds-on away from home.
  20. Am I right in saying Gamst Pedersen is out of contract in the summer? Would be a cracking signing IMO. Admittedly, central midfield is more of a pressing issue.
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