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Everything posted by Neil

  1. I agree he's a prospect but I'm not sure if he'd be right for the Premier League 'very soon' - IMO the ideal progression for him is to stay with Leeds and develop as a player in the Championship next season.
  2. Guess I'm the only one who likes Leeds? As the bigger (at least financially speaking) teams pull away what feels like more and more each season, what a tremendous highlight it is to see Leeds beat Man Utd on their own patch, and take Spurs very close. (Hats off to Spurs tonight - they went there with a professional attitude and certainly deserved to win; tiredness also got the better of Leeds in the end). And I can't help the ill feeling towards WBA regarding the amount of recent penalties they've been getting (FA Cup game was very poor refereeing, yes) is more down to the 2 points fluffed at the weekend, and the fact West Brom are daring to keep up with an excellent run of form?
  3. Definite inverse relationship between quality of game and quality of stream.
  4. It's Rangers league to throw away now, but Keane will bag an absolute hatful at Celtic. Howay, how many will he get? Assuming he doesn't get a particularly bad injury, I'm going for 16.
  5. Well if the bacon rumour is true, he finally will have legitimate sauces.
  6. Neil

    La Liga 09/10

    Serves him right for fucking my bet up.
  7. Well played. Cheers Jill. A fiver so £45, that'll do nicely. Pints are on you my friend.
  8. Fucking arsewipes. I don't care anymore, hope Osasuna get more to punish Villarreal for such a fucking diabolical performance.
  9. Villarreal can fuck off, what an utterly pathetic performance.
  10. Trust me to bet on them when they are bloody freezing.
  11. VI, tell me Villarreal will score twice in the second half.
  12. Need Villarreal for £36. Also win £12.50 if Fletcher scores first or last.
  13. Decided to go with: Roma v Siena Sampdoria v Atalanta Villarreal v Osasuna £10 @ 3.59. Chievo v Bologna Tenerife v Zaragoza Getafe v Racing £2 @ 26.25. and 50p each on Fletcher FGS, and Fletcher LGS. After losing a bit yesterday, think I'd best take a couple of weeks out if I don't get owt today.
  14. I'd like to have balls to bet big on Roma and Sampdoria.
  15. Source: Transfer Overlord Guy With Unnecessary Contraption
  16. It's not been down to the lack of invention, but rather lack of conversion on thier part. Most of the matches I've seen this year we have given a lot of chances away in the centre of goal that weren't converted but we've put the similar chances in the back of the net. Wrong choice of word, I was geting at the general lack of quality, whether that be invention or conversion. Lack of clinicality (wish that was a word) in front of goal from most.
  17. I think you've been found out a long time ago. Teams are too shit in the Championship, more often than not, to take advantage of it. Quite possibly, I still feel the opposition show us more respect than we deserve though. Leicester today for example could have quite easily beaten us with 10 let alone 11, I think if someone comes out and really has a go we would crumble. A combination of having a calamitous central midfield and negative tactics leave us there for the taking but as you say not many have had the quality to punish. We've been lucky as fuck this season as well imo, concerning injuries and situations in matches, and that is beginning to run out too. Agree with all of that. From what I've seen, you have shown elements of Premiership quality but it is debatable how much that has been down to the opposition's lack of invention. Injuries-wise it will be interesting to see how you cope now that some key players are on the sidelines for a little while, i.e. Taylor and Enrique. Credit to whoever it was who actually pulled their finger out and brought some people in, for numbers sake if nothing else. I think ultimately you will get across the line but probably more of a stumble. It will be interesting to see if Forest can come back after their defeat today and put together a few wins. WBA have a tough game at Blackpool midweek. Regardless of whether it is other teams failing to put together the necessary form, or you having too much in the tank (and let's not let the criticism get out of hand, there are many things to be pleased with thus far this season, I'd say), you will be playing Premiership football next season. It's funny when I think of your prospective chances next year - on one hand I look at some of the teams currently in the division and think you would surely finish above 3 of them... but on the other, it is a similar squad to last year, arguably worse in terms of quality. My hope for you is that, considering there is no imminently likely sign of considerable investment in the summer, you can rely on an increasing sense of team spirit, togetherness etc in order to see you through next season, thus giving youthe chance to put back together what was a broken club into the Newcastle of 5-10 years ago. Piece by piece. I've probably talked some bollocks there, but that's my 2p worth.
  18. I think you've been found out a long time ago. Teams are too shit in the Championship, more often than not, to take advantage of it.
  19. Probably missed something here, but considering you all moan about Sunderland's obsession with your club, what's the deal with Spurs?
  20. Pretty well. A few edgy moments but otherwise was decent enough. Helpul to have him in terms of numbers, Distin still doesn't seem to be fully fit.
  21. I really like McCarthy's interviews; refreshingly honest and to the point. Messi: apparently that's right, but I'm sceptical of all the "used to support the rival club" stories. I wouldn't be surprised, though. I'd call Gerrard a canny bloke if we're using Carragher as a benchmark.
  22. I think they'll finish 4th. Quietly they're getting their act together one way or another on the pitch - if they were in the form they were in a month or so ago, I'd fancy us to win next weekend but as it is, I'll take a point.
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