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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Milan won't finish with 11; no chance.
  2. Sneijder 2-1 tonight would be canny. Up for the weekend, still very annoyed at how awful Valencia were to fuck up today's proceedings.
  3. Do Chelsea ever get a hard draw?
  4. Thank you Valencia for that enormous shower of shite.
  5. Don't think so. Seriously, their 'passing' has been uterly atrocious, and if Tenerife were 3-0 up they couldn't complain.
  6. Come on Valencia, perform some daylight robbery.
  7. I wish I had the same optimism, madras.
  8. Valencia have looked very poor so far, howay man.
  9. £5 on Villarreal, Valencia and Inter. £2 on AEK, Olympiakos, Gijon and Espanyol. 50p on Sneijder first scorer and 2-1 Inter.
  10. Just looks a different player. Said on ITV before that he looks a million miles from the World Cup. No shit, he's way behind Lennon, Beckham and even SWP in terms of playing on the right. Out of interest, you seem to word that as though SWP is way behind the other two? Lennon is the front-runner, admittedly.
  11. Bloody hell, unlucky mate. Did you have a huge accumulator?
  12. Got about £30 profit off Villa, MK Dons, Norwich, Rotherham and Blackpool. Other one failed due to Catania thumping Parma instead of drawing.
  13. He is. He was also developing a good partnership with Neill, hence the baffling move to get rid of him.
  14. Neil


    Say what you like about him but I think he's a pretty important part of the forum. The guy has his opinions, it's a forum, hence he expresses those opinions.
  15. Neil


    But you care enough to post? Let me have my cynicism.
  16. Neil


    I'm guessing I'm the only one who couldn't give a flying fuck.
  17. Just so you know, Yakubu is a ridiculously fat waste of space and you should sell him to the highest bidder for funds. I know.
  18. 2nd half of Liverpool-Spurs if I'm back in Newcastle in time. Howay Spurs.
  19. What's the difference between -1 and -1.5?
  20. How is he underrated? Genuine question like, he's always struck me as nothing more than a bit better than some other right backs.
  21. An above-average full-back playing in a great side for the past 10-15 years who has deteriorated and all he has to offer now is a childish contribution to club politics by trying to wind up opponents in rival matches (when he's not injured).
  22. Perhaps it's different because he's a former player (club legend, arguably?), but is there a serious case of motivation, VI? Due to his astonishing first year and a half, it would be hard for a few, I'd imagine, to keep themselves motivated. I mean, how do you improve?
  23. I'd say Lawro has become less annoying recently, and a decent commentator/pundit.
  24. Embarrassing how much time and space Man Utd's players have to decide what to do.
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