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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

    I get the distinct impression Edwards would love Staveley to lose the management contract. 

    The bloke certainly isn’t on the same wave length as the support this morning. 

    That's because he spent a good few years having a go at her, questioning her ability to get the takeover done etc etc 


    Edwards would be over the moon if that happened, would probably use it as some vindication for the view he has on her

  2. 17 minutes ago, MarkyMark said:

    It doesn’t even make sense - visiting Saudi Arabia isn’t proof of that, and MBS is Chairman of PIF - who own us.  I doubt that the PL’s FPPT missed that fact.


    Don’t get me wrong, the ‘separation’ was of course a load of bollocks - of course the KSA govt is effectively owners - but the silly Mackem twat’s ‘gotcha’ isn’t close to being proof of that

    Agreed but Luke Edwards was presenting it as a gotcha when it's anything but that 

  3. 48 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Glad by the time we next play we will

    know the squad for the rest of the season, off topic it why isn’t there a game for a couple of weeks now ?

    International break but not for all regions, CONMEBOL and ASIA has WC qualifiers 

  4. 1 minute ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Shades of Hull the season we went down. They looked home and dry about now yet they were a shitty deflection from going down in the end. I could see them getting sucked into it.




    The thing that will work in their favour is that it will need 2/3 teams to really up their form and for Brentford to do nothing for them to get dragged into it 


    And so far only Norwich have won back to back games 


    I think it will remain between the bottom 4 but if we beat Everton we can make them squirm a bit 

  5. I don't see Brentford going down


    They are currently 8 points from 18th with a better GD, they just need the odd win here and there which they've shown they are capable of


    Their next 3 home games are Palace, us and Burnley. They'll win at least one of those 

  6. Just now, Manxst said:

    Yet there were more than a few people saying he should go / can’t see improvement from Bruce / times up etc throughout the last few weeks- and especially this morning. Hang your heads in shame at not seeing the much bigger picture. 

    Yeah, that was the thing that was annoying me


    Whether Howe has enough about him to keep us up, even if the owners support him is yet to be seen but it's not even up for discussion that he's much better than Bruce

  7. 9 minutes ago, NWMag said:

    And 5 of those 10 were against Arsenal, Man U, City, liverpool and Leicester - throw in missing his first game with covid and Clark’s howler against Norwich, not doing too bad so far. 

    some of the stick he has got is undeserved and I really think people should wait to judge him until he has his own squad 


    Questioning some of his team selections (Clark v Norwich) and his subs (should Lewis have come on against Watford and go to a back 5?) was fine but it's those suggesting he hasn't been any better than Bruce that were being ridiculous


    Prior to this result if you extrapolate his results across the season it gave 29.55 points across the season, after this result it jumps to 38 points. Bruce had us on 14.25 points, not even comparable 


    He needs to try and string some wins together but the owners really need to have his back and get an absolute minimum of 3 players in 

  8. 1 minute ago, WillingtonMag said:

    Could yet be a twist in the title race like Liverpool have two games In hand.

    If this result stays as it is then the title race is still on


    Liverpool are lucky that Mane/Sale are only really missing 2 league games 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Aye, we needed a draw! Don't want any of them winning. 

    Obviously from a confidence point of view Norwich winning isn't great but if Watford drew I think that could have been worse, especially as they have Burnley next


    Win that and they are 6 clear of us (assuming we fail to beat Leeds) with a better GD 


    I do think this is a good result, we just need to do our part 

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