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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 minutes ago, MarkyMark said:

    We can count our lucky stars that there are three teams just as shite as we’ve been mind.  We really should be long gone with one win in twenty-one

    It's crazy that we aren't absolutely done for already


    Hopefully we can get some signings in before the end of the window because that is the only chance we have of stringing some wins together

  2. I'm looking at this as a good result, definitely preferred it to a draw


    We have games in hand (yeah I know, we need to win those) and we have a better GD than Norwich, a draw and win (again, yeah I know) has us above Norwich


    Yet a draw for Watford would had them 3 points ahead, with 1 game played more but a better GD so even a win would have kept us below them


    Ideally Watford-Burnley is a draw or even a Burnley win because before that Burnley have Arsenal away, then after it's Man-U and Liverpool at home

  3. 3 minutes ago, Village Idiot said:

    Fati will probably have to go under the knife again after re-injuring his hamstring yesterday. SIGH.



    Such a shame, he was set for the very top but these injuries are damaging 



  4. 28 minutes ago, Abacus said:

    Complete guesswork, but it was Stavely that he gave the loan to, and so presumably it's her that had to adhere to those conditions on that loan, not the club or the other owners.


    Think it's very hard to prove criticism, and that's why I'd guess it's really all about the advertising.


    I read something at the time (in a tweet, so take that for what it's worth) saying that they were supposed to stay up till the end of the year, which one thought was till the end of the calendar year, and the other thought it was till the end of the season.


    Might be talking a load of old nonsense with all that, mind.


    I get the criticism part applies to her with relation to the loan but not sure how his loan to Staveley can dictate what the club or the other 90% owners have to do


    Either way hope he gets ruined in court the scumbag 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Abacus said:

    Ah, it's about the Sports Direct signs then, if that's right.

    Then surely his action should be against the club and all 3 owners? But being the pathetic, thin skinned bully that he is, he's clearly not going to take on PIF or the Reubens so he's targeting PCP as they are smaller than him


    Also has Staveley actually criticised him? Saying things like the club has had a lack of investment for 14 years is hardly criticism, it's just factual

  6. I've always largely been underwhelmed by Lingard, plus he's not very likeable with his daft dances but he was very good at West Ham and he's better than a lot of the attacking options we have so it would be very good if we can make this happen

  7. 1 minute ago, Thumbheed said:



    Why would the loaning side ever entertain this? Seems like they only lose from this. 



    If the player insists he doesn't want a permanent deal so he can maximise his wages as a free in the summer then they may as well loan him


    Obviously our situation is a bit desperate so we pay the higher fee and I reckon we'll have a relegation clause in there



  8. The article ends with the following line in relation to Carlos 


    "It is believed they have already agreed personal terms and are still trying to thrash out personal terms."



  9. 24 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

    The little dink over both centre halves oncoming challenges. The fact he got fouled from behind and was just ‘nah mate, I’m putting this in’.

    That dink gets overlooked and dismissed as the defenders just letting him pass, that dink mugged them off and allowed him to get through otherwise he would have been tackled

  10. 5 minutes ago, LV said:

    I can’t even begin to explain how much I loved Ben Arfa.


    I will just never ever understand those who didn’t rate him. 

    Whenever I speak to another Newcastle fan I use Ben Arfa as the yardstick, if they criticise him then I consider them to be


    1) full of shit and

    2) not a lover of football 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Fair enough. Either way, if he’s wanting 700k a week like I read, as well as criticising Xavi’s management, then they won’t be keeping him and will be getting rid. 

    I agree he's not worth that, especially with his injury record but he is in the stronger position to negotiate


    Once he's on a free then some teams will pay him the crazy wages he is after 

  12. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    They want to get rid because they’re already paying him a fortune for not many appearances. And he’s asking for an increase on his new contract. 

    They've offered him a contract, that's hardly like them wanting to get rid but he wants more than they are willing to pay


    So if he isn't going to stay then it makes sense for them to try and sell him


    Xavi does want him to stay

  13. 4 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Which is why Barca want to get rid. If he stayed fit, he’d be immense and they’d want to keep him.


    They don't want to get rid, he's out of contract in the summer and the money he wants is too much for them 


    Dembele does have fitness issues and his end product is a bit hit and miss but he is a quality player, just a massive risk

  14. Just now, LV said:

    Why though? 

    The squad are dog dirt. He can’t even swap out underperforming players for better alternatives. They’re worse. 

    Would you be able to coach a team in 10 games to perform better? Who would? Even Ferguson would struggle. We’re a championship team in all but name and need fresh, quality blood. 


    Plus you add in we have taken the lead in a number of those games (Brentford, Norwich, Man-U, Watford) but the mentality of this squad is so pathetic that we know an equaliser is inevitable, be that through individual mistakes or a collective of arse dropping from the squad


    I'll be damned if I judge Howe based on crap squad he's inherited 

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