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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Cwarris is a massive bullshitter.
  2. This is a canny read http://www.ultimatebuzz.net/forum/showthread.php?t=163475 This is actually hilarious.
  3. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Time for a little bio. Zinaldo has posed as a Real Madrid fan elsewhere (going on about Ribery in much the same manner as here) so I dunno why he keeps referring to NUFC as 'we'. Listed Chelsea, Spurs and Arsenal as teams he supports too, not quite sure how that works. He also enjoys filth involving Lex Steele banging white lasses, the kinky b******. Dave you ninja, how the fuck?
  4. Promising It was Niall Hickman from the Daily Express. He said he had been over to interview McLaren last season at Twente and McLaren had said there was only one player in his squad that was good enough for the Premier League and that was Tiote. Now that I don't believe. While Tiote was instrumental in thei championship win last season and has improved vastly over the past season, there are players in that Twente squad who are better still, like Brian Ruiz. I don't believe McLaren would have said this. Also, you have to wonder why McLaren didn't go in for Tiote for his new club if he really thought that highly of the lad.. From what I saw of them Bryan Ruiz and Douglas could both make it in the Prem.
  5. This is a canny read http://www.ultimatebuzz.net/forum/showthread.php?t=163475
  6. Which forum's this? http://www.ultimatebuzz.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=119 If Dave was Admin on that site he'd be having spasms over the 'grammar' and articulation on show.
  7. Yep. That one where Routledge was completely through with nobody near him was actually a brilliant chance if didn't naff hiss touch up.
  8. Was slating us on 5Live before the game, saying he could only expect a Villa win...
  9. Yeah his crossing is good, and so is his passing and awareness come to to think of it. Think he will do okay in the Prem this season.
  10. I don't care if people say it's pathetic, watching their fans walk out after 60 minutes and being taunted as they left was just really, really sweet. The shit they did at their place was pathetic, not just the banners but the way they acted outside the ground aswell. Karma, twats.
  11. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'll be even more desperate to come now
  12. Looks like we'll be playing this shit at home aswell then. Imagine if Guthrie's out because we're selling him..
  13. “He is a fantastic winger, can beat players with ease and is a fantastic crosser of the ball. Leo man, I love you and Jonas is cool... But come the fuck on!
  14. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Or because NOTW talk utter fucking bollocks.
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