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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. "Yer spelt Park wrong. It sez St James' Pork now. Tits".
  2. Kenny Dalglish's parents adopted Wesley Snipes when the future actor was an infant and the 2 are still good friends to this day. Dalglish has made a number of low-key cameo appearances in Snipes' movies, including White Men Can't Jump, Demolition Man and Blade II, whilst Dalglish has returned the favour by occasionally naming Snipes amongst his matchday subsitutes - most recently for their defeat at Bolton - but nobody ever seems to notice this, except me.
  3. Interpolic


    Bloody hell, he's merked him all over the shop there like.
  4. I don't think it's very well written at all tbh.
  5. Might be something in that, Decky. Anyway I've seen the photos, appalling but not unexpected. Slightly easier to stomach when we're top 6 in the league, but not that much tbh.
  6. Really starting to feel like Wenger will be away in the summer now.
  7. Interpolic

    Ryan Taylor

    Got to be sent to him, he'll have it on a t-shirt by Thursday. My photoshopping work in full flow. Nice one.
  8. Interpolic

    Ryan Taylor

    I did tweet it to him earlier like, my first ever tweet: @TaylorR1984 Areet Ryan, hope your recovery's going well. Thought you might like this: a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash…
  9. Interpolic

    Ryan Taylor

  10. Interpolic


    Something tells me Rooney ain't gonna get merked in the Euros like the Toures did in the ACON, he'll be home well sharpish.
  11. Surely it's immensely unfair on other clubs if such massive amounts are written off or heavily discounted? If it's tax then you'd think the other Scottish clubs would be asking for theirs back as well.
  12. :lol: Oh God, please continue with these.
  13. Re Henry: http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/4/3/5aae9696-4ac4-4ba9-a455-dad3f19ea200.jpg
  14. They were reading out emails on SSN and one of them said something along the lines of "It'll be fine, just get the tax written off and move on". Erm...
  15. He was on SSN today saying he'll cross that bridge if and when he's contacted about it.
  16. We're due giving someone a real hammering this season, fingers crossed it's this one with all of our best players available again.
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