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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Interpolic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    First post for 11 days, so incredibly pathetic. You're actually showing sunderland up in an environment where estimations of mackems couldn't be any lower.
  2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vfqf6n8k6S0/TCLp8jQj6bI/AAAAAAAAAFo/eMQRzKrjJt0/s1600/QS2+Ashtray+Full.jpg
  3. Just started punching my legs for fuck's sake, legs and fists both absolutely knacking!
  4. Getting really bored of this being sung everywhere you go like, everyone's support can't be fucking shit, needs to be changed to "your support is frankly average and pretty typical of the modern game" or something.
  5. He's been hilarious, man. "So was that a penalty, Mike?" "It's been a smashing game, mind".
  6. Mike Summerbee. Totally reluctant to act like a pundit, it's like me granda sat there, love it.
  7. Fuck's sake, was going to put a quid on Man City winning 6-1 but it's only 12/1.
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