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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Where the fuck have those 7 minutes come from . Jurgen started managing Chelsea?
  2. They're too small really for the step up to that league. Losing Langstaff is a big issue too.
  3. Is there a better sight in football than a Newcastle away end going mental?
  4. Our third choice CB, playing out of position at LB just sprayed a perfect ball the whole width of the field. We're fucking mint and it is beautiful
  5. He was one of the better players that season . A hell of a lot better than Danny 'came here for the fish & chips' Rose.
  6. Chelsea need to win their game in hand by 12 goals to catch up to us
  7. As one of their subs was a concussion sub, each team gets an extra one.
  8. Just end the season now. Third man. Newcastle United, third. Insane.
  9. Player falls over, free kick. Just let the game flow man.
  10. Cheers ref, just what this game needs, another unnecessary stop.
  11. https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/statement-by-chelsea-football-club They've just released a statement condemning language used today? Chelsea having ignorant fans hardly seems huge news, unless it was from a player/manager/coach?
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