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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Comparing not correctly using VR to ethnic cleansing is the sort of hyperbole that I expect to see on N-O, not by an actual World Cup manager
  2. Well that was fucking mint. Never seen a place celebrate another country’s goal like it. People out in the street waving Albanian flags and honking horns. My mate who lives in Phristina posted a story on Instagram and it looked mental there, fireworks going off and all sorts. Never underestimate just how much the Balkans hate each other
  3. Watching in central Tirana. Absolute scenes when he pulled out the Albanian double-headed eagle to celebrate.
  4. Serbia v Switzerland tomorrow could be interesting https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/jun/21/switzerland-serbia-kosovo-xherdan-shaqiri-world-cup
  5. Didn’t realise that Chicarito is the third generation of his family to play in the World Cup, father played in ‘86 and grandfather played in ‘54
  6. Cheeky fucker, winking at the camera during the national anthem. Pretty sure if sterling tries that tomorrow, the sun start a campaign to get him shot at dawn for treason.
  7. Will be interesting to see how Nigeria cope now they haven’t brought the Fenham Eusebio to the World Cup this time.
  8. Pretty sure Half the entire country was in their own box there.
  9. Good thing Iceland have that clappy thing because their anthem is as dull as ours.
  10. Yup. Concussion is about the only thing of note that’s happened this half.
  11. Reckon the hype will last until Friday for this bloke to be honest.
  12. A knaa but sometimes the Lasses, Nonce's and Jessy's at work want value for money. Working with nonces? Who are you? Lee fucking Cattermole?
  13. Shelvey and Diame both with decent shots. Good passing and possession so far.
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