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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02036/lee-clark_2036254i.jpg this?
  2. why have we got a manager who has a whole section on his wiki page entitled 'Controversies'
  3. when he was talking about signing good players and said "and when they do, they don't want" I thought he was going to end up saying "them sitting on the bench" or "training with the reserves" so close to Big Al joining #TeamBenArfa. I'll take him ending it about players being sold though.
  4. He can also sell this club like no one else, to potential players, to the owner, he even does a great job in reminding us who we are at times. I'd much rather he was in the dugout, but he would make a great DOF too.
  5. Left the Leazes, couldn't see how many left, how did it look on the tv/dodgy internet stream?
  6. He's scored a third of our total premier league goals at home in 2014 tbf
  7. Stephen Taylor the player with the most premiership goals out of those on the bench?
  8. Hopefully his last game at SJP
  9. Over 5000 tickets sold, cracking effort. Edit: over 6,500 actually, wow!
  10. to be honest I'm amazed with how fans of clubs like Cardiff have taken their soul destroying changes with hardly any backlash for the owners. To a smaller extent, its disappointing how little has been done about Ashley sucking the respect out of our club, think we've reached a turning point here though.
  11. tickets only available in the east stand on their website now, must of sold out the Tyne and Wear stand, cracking effort.
  12. Can't wait to see the King get shafted 5-0 in the last game of the season. 5? you hoping Liverpool are already on their summer holidays by then then?
  13. The pin stripes spell out Newcastle united football club
  14. Fucking rank, although the whole blending in thing is a nice ready made excuse for P45due, I mean if it's good enough for fergie...
  15. At least he has footballing talent of some sort, was just an absolute cunt and threw This chance away, but dan fucking gosling man, we've actually managed to find (and employ) the one man on this earth who'd choose a midfield of Hayden Mullins and Gosling, over Mascherano and Ben Arfa. Jesus wept
  16. Us losing may be something we want to improve us in the future, but that doesn't stop performances like Colo's recently being disappointing. We know Pardew is shit, but the players should still respect the shirt and give 100% on the pitch.
  17. Well done Jordan and the others who held up their banners and cards, but the protests were muted vocally and until that changes, Pardew stays. Completely true. He'll probably think it's a small minority at this point. Protests were loud, clear and relatively constant in the away end, were they not loud on the tv? (Seriously question, just read this back and it sound like I'm being an arsehole)
  18. How's the anti pardew chants sounding on tv? Seem pretty loud and often in the stadium.
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