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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. 9 hours ago, mighty__mag said:

    Really dont fancy this at all, it's going to be one of those games.


    It's all about the "he says, she says" bullshit


    Really looking forward to it myself, it'll feel like one of the longest 90 minutes of the season. Captain obvious here, but I really hope we grab an early goal to settle the nerves.

  2. 4 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    No chance :) more people play association football on an organised basis - again, the game being the only one played by both genders comes into it - but if you walk into a pub it’s Aussie rule or rugby league on every screen; most sports tops worn by the average punter relate to those sports; a conversation re sport with the average Australian will usually touch one of them.  Football is in a healthy state in Australia, but it’s not close to being the national sport.  


    I can't believe more people aren't going for a drink in replica cricket whites.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Ronson333 said:

    He was a right winger until

    wenger turned him into a striker. Wenger was a great manager when he first came in, the first thing he did was tell merson his Arsenal career was over. He made sure the team all had controlled diets and became more professional. Sounds weird now, but he was the first to do it.





    Immediately put a stop to tomato sauce from the canteen and it riled several of the players. I guess he knew pretty quickly who was going to buy into him and his methods.

  4. Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Basing anything on final league position is really idiotic in general, TBF. One goal or one decision can make the difference between getting Europe and not.


    Howe just needs a bit more quality (and not an injury crisis) and we'll absolutely great next season. 


    And that for me is where the pressure comes from. If we add to the squad and don't have an injury crisis every man and their dog will be expecting us to be turning those draws / losses against poor sides into wins. Not to mention improving our away form.


    I'm with you though, I also think we're a couple of good additions and a fitter squad away from being mint again.

  5. 5 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Don't think he's under pressure going into next season at all.


    The issue this season has been player availability, no matter how much people might want to overlook this. It won't be the same next season, and we won't be inconsistent in  the same way. 


    If somehow this does end up being the case then I'm sure questions will start being asked at the end of the season.


    This is not the same as saying he is under pressure going into next season.


    There isn't one Premier League manager who isn't under pressure. You think if we lose the first 3 games there'll be no consequences? Yasir will be on the blower at the very least.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

    What I like most about him is that he takes responsibility on the ball himself. Really, really impressive.


    Even if it's a little half-nothing ball down the wing he tends to look forward more than most when in possession. A couple more players with that mindset and we're cooking.


    Imagine how good he's going to be in a few years :fwap:

  7. 14 minutes ago, Nucasol said:

    Not seeing it myself.


    We just need to use him more effectively. There's been worse players than Elliot Anderson play over 100 times for bigger & better clubs than Newcastle in the Premier League. He's only 21, some players don't do a great deal until they're 23/24. Some players fizzle out by the time they're 24/25. Everyone's development is different, just because they're not shit hot at an early age it doesn't mean they're never going to become effective in this league.

  8. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    I’d be more than happy to sell both players. 


    I think Anderson is going to get there, it's just whether or not we can wait for him. A loan next season could be just what he needs. I'd hate to see us sell him now only for him to bounce back to the PL with someone else in 2/3 years and turn into an Adam Lallana or someone similar.

  9. In hindsight I think the main bulk of our issues came from Anderson & Longstaff making up two thirds of our midfield. Both were too slow (shock, horror) and offered little in the way of creativity, which you'd expect from Longstaff as that's not his game but we've completely stopped playing to his strengths. You're not winning many matches away from home in the PL with that midfield 3 trying to play that way.


    I'd be tempted to loan Anderson next season if we have a good enough summer window.

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