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Merseyside Mag

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Everything posted by Merseyside Mag

  1. How come you support Newcastle then, out of interest, if your family are blues? Silly really. You know when your young, and just like football in general, i didnt really have a team . Alan Shearer for england was my favourite player and ever since, say, the 1998 world cup, ive always followed newcastle. i was 8 then. Since then ive always been Newcastle. My dad wasnt a dad who brought me up to support the same team as him (Everton), so he just let me choose whatever. He takes a slight bit a pride in me as ive always supported Newcastle, new everything about them, all the players, old games etc, and have never jumped ship when times are hard, stick with one team and one team only. I do have a soft spot for everton. Been to a couple of games in the odd season with my mates who a season ticket holders. Its all about the banter!
  2. Arsenal, Everton, Fulham. Do things by the book really. Not really dirty teams. Bar Arsenal, the other 2 have reached finals in recent years as underdogs. I like that in a team.
  3. As i live in Birkenhead, over the water from Liverpool, and my Dad and many of friends and family are Evertonians, i was brought up to hate Liverpool. And that is exactly what i have done. I hate almost everything about them. The only thing I like about them is there recent poor form, and fans saying "We shouldn't be in this position ever!". They moan about money when they have spent mega bucks on players during the Benitez rein, and knowone even accknowledges this. I hate Manchester City also, not because of all this money. Just because of the fact, they didnt deserve to be given such a gift as the ulimited amount of cash. And one fan on SSN the other day stated that Newcastle were a little club, and that they should be beating 'little clubs like Newcastle'. Disgrace. At the moment these are the only 2 teams i have a true hatred for. Other mentions go to Sunderland, Manchester United, Spurs and Wigan. I went to watch Everton at the DW last season, and their fans were so poor, i have gained a slight hate towards them.
  4. I was at the everton game sitting in the Park End with my dad. All i could hear from behind me is "who is that black centre mid, he is class" etc etc etc. He had a tremendous game that day, and another saturday. A positive signing most definately.
  5. Cabiasso in my opinion, is one of the best players i have ever seen in that position. He doesnt everything by the book, and does everything right. Against Barcelona last year he was tremendous. Yet, i believe that the premier leagues lack of balls too do anything severe about things like this incident, are making players like De Jong, Henry, Cattermole, and even a certain Joey Barton in the past, not think twice about going into a challenge like the one we seen on saturday. As has been said time and time again, lengthy bans need to be handed out to ensure stuff like this is going to happen again (or karma towards De Jong). However i am very happy with the performance of the team on satruday and no doubt will do all their best to beat wigan in 2 weeks time.
  6. Im hoping for a hard fought 1-1 draw at most. A good performance will however perk up my spirits.
  7. Aston Villa last/2 seasons ago. That anoyed the hell out of me. They wern't even botherd when they lost. Thank god we had Fulham last year.
  8. i was quietly hoping that xisco would come on so the fans would sing "lets all have a xisco, na na na na"
  9. Since we're losing, I hope he scores; he's in my Fantasy Team. Berbatov, rooney and vidic in mine...
  10. why the hell is that fat barstool nolan playing upfront! jesus christ, track back you overweight waste of space!
  11. nolan let scholes turn then and didnt even make a move towards him. lazy get.
  12. Everton got beat by blackburn, bloody blackburn and none of my everton mates are thinking "this is going to be a real crap season". It just isnt, yes we were (probobly) expecting a little bit more from the team but id much rather get beat to man u away 1st game of the season than blackburn.
  13. Bartons tache making its first premiership appearance tonight.
  14. 1-1. Positive performance. Don't just put 11 men behind the ball. That would be great.
  15. Haha, i know but hes a cocky little s***. Would be class to get one over him though. To be fair, Newcastle aint really had anything to shout about the past few years, so a result at Old Trafford would help me in the group banter.
  16. I have a tenner bet with my Manc mate that we'll get a positive result tomorrow night. Im confident of a result. 1-1 all over this. Carroll and fletcher.
  17. Lets see what happens hey. He captaining bolton well, so maybe giving him the captains armband may give him the motivation he needs to continue last seasons form.
  18. We'll have to see how he goes over the season. Against Rangers, he looked to be shouting alot AT the players, and getting wound up if something went wrong or he didnt get the ball. But, hey, we'll see, if he scores a hatrick on his competitive captaining debut against the mancs, i for one wont be unhappy
  19. Source? http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100814/nolan-handed-captains-armband_2240137_2121924 Edit: found it.
  20. Btw, Nolan has been named Captain for the upcoming season, with Alan Smith vice captain. Imo, we should of given it to Ben Arfa, just for his grit and determination over this move.
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