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Everything posted by nufcjb

  1. can this cunt be sacked in anyway?
  2. nufcjb


    guess they got Borini eh?
  3. It's ultimately going to backfire on Joe..atleast Pardew can still save his job if the team plays well and get results and the media will lay off him.. JFK on the other hand will have to fuck all the media from now until January and I won't be a bit surprised if his heart fucks up in an foul-mouthed interview session..it's a race to see which can last longer till January between his heart and his job now..
  4. now watch Bale become a Real Flop. just wonder how Real will feel if he got injured on his debut.
  5. just seen on SSN..we're bottom of the 'table' regarding transfer fees being dished out this window..in the bottom 3 with us are West Brom and Arsenal
  6. Portsmouth 3rd kit.. Holy mother of fuck.. http://www.football-shirts.co.uk/fans/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/portsmouth-third.jpg
  7. was impressed most with our corners. Actually gave me hope everytime we had them even when Cabaye started taking them again.
  8. Don't know man. Just have the feeling Sir Alex would not have liked losing to Liverpool especially as it was down to their own fault, No refereeing decision to blame and so on. Can imagine already if things don't pan out well mid-season, Sir Alex will come back, not as a manager but his influence and presence will be felt in some way or another..
  9. If Gouffran had managed to put that ball in last week or we weren't so shit, we would have been level 3rd despite the fuck that has gone on all summer.
  10. Just looked at the table. I'm rooting for a Spurs win today. Can't bear seeing Liverpool at the top for 2 weeks.
  11. fucking Liverpool..as much as I hate Man Utd, I hate the scousers even more when they brag themselves about their history. Someone was right saying the next 2 weeks will be cringeworthy hearing about the return of the Reds and so on. Makes me hope he press and the media would talk about the decline of Man Utd more for the whole 2 fucking weeks
  12. wanted us to sign Sousa back in those days. Class act
  13. get off the fucking stage you cunt
  14. some of these groups are either so boring or full of the tops teams
  15. looks like a kid being watched over by his headmaster tbh
  16. fucking hell..not this cunt!!!
  17. That was just so sad and a mare to watch.. http://31.media.tumblr.com/c527864d0b8ee5b09c0d41539d7d26ba/tumblr_mpxrp8v56y1ra8nizo1_250.gif
  18. flair player.. woooooooooo http://24.media.tumblr.com/621de3495b147507b441d0b96db0ee7b/tumblr_mny9c6jctR1qk0e3do10_r2_250.gif
  19. They would probably look at someone else to spend on that extra money.. Hey Marseille..we have someone we could sell for that amount..interested?
  20. Gomis and Remy but we'll still play like dog poop coz of Pardew
  21. he's probably going to be off in the final few hours of the window. we won't get anyone in or if we do, it would be some player who was sitting on another team's bench on loan.. Cabaye has an outstanding season, showing his transfer fee was a coup and a bargain..and then jets off for the World Cup.. we will still be sitting here discussing a pathetic season we go through day by day..not going to predict how it will end for us though..
  22. completely left out of the squad by Jose tonight. Didn't even travel. Should try and put in a cheeky bid for him.Think he regrets getting last time on the pitch now.. Remy, Ba, Cisse up front??? Shola it is then
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