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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. 3-1 prediction with second half comeback still on the cards. Make it happen, lads.
  2. anyone else having a co-commentator being as villa-biased as f***?
  3. I'll stick with my 3-1 prediction. We'd be dire at first with the 4-4-2 before Pards shifts to 4-3-3 to put them to the sword. Have an iffy feeling Bent would score though.
  4. Colo's hair makes him the only identifiable person in that.
  5. Stevie G's aging face just doesn't inspire the confident escape that these bum-licking commentators crave for.
  6. Arsenal, spend the last minutes passing the f*** outta them in front of Rodgers' face please.
  7. Suarez can do anything but score really.
  8. I'm just anticipating the crowd's reaction to the final whistle tbh.
  9. Arsenal fans out-sang the Scousers all game like.
  10. That's just it. At all. Don't worry, they would always turn it on on the games that matter.
  11. What a c*** Gerrard. Didn't even offer his hand up.
  12. LFC hate aside, I like the look of Sterling.
  13. Don't, we'd officially have the worst RB of our rivals if he does.
  14. Canny season for new managers at "title contending" clubs so far.
  15. As long as Liverpool don't win it's a good day in the office.
  16. This Carzola-Diaby-Arteta midfield will go places.
  17. This. I'd love to see him here, it'll never happen like. Honda's been spotted in Newcastle, apparently.
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