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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. How Hatem can change depression into sheer joy with a stroke of genius.
  2. And people were laughing at the team Villa put out. Doesn't matter if we don't know them if they're bossing us, eh...
  3. We are playing some sort of 4-3-3. Well, we are playing s*** and I normally associate s*** football with not playing the 4-3-3.
  4. Would welcome the two week break as we seem f***ing knacked. And that is depressing considering this is just the third game of the season.
  5. And yet when we thought we lacked a striker last summer after signing only an "injury prone" one, we seemed relatively clean of injuries that year.
  6. This is a major f***ing problem like. Going behind in games is inevitable, why are we so brittle? Tbf we seem to be good at bouncing back from defeat, but it's worrying that we cannot do our comebacks on the pitch like. We did the 4-4, but still...
  7. Heard some comments about Pards being scared to play it after a bumming at Wigan last season. The 4-3-3 didn't work out there as they played wide and really stretched us imo, which cancels out the compact midfield we attempted to create with the 4-3-3. But being scared to play what works well for most if it doesn't work well for one is utter cowardice like.
  8. Bummed by a cross down his side again. Though I really hope he's fine as we're in an absolute fullback crisis atm.
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