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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. Season loan for a full back/striker please.
  2. Dear lord, we really t***ted that f***er of a rumor down.
  3. Same old Arsenal, the cheap c***s.
  4. Love how the cracking EL draw relatively buried our deadline day inactivity under the rug.
  5. What's with the sudden switch to Group G again?
  6. I'd like Stuttgart, Brugge and Helsingborgs. Decent away trips and a fairly open group.
  7. He's off to watch the EL draw live iirc.
  8. A striker we want on one of West Ham's genius clauses...where did I see this before?
  9. Not sure if posted but...
  10. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/square/000/006/216/7nTnr.png
  11. Would love Santon to go back to Milan with us as he wanted.
  12. I'm starting to feel that we aim for the perfect deal too much. Think we're missing out on some decent buys as we wait for the price to drop, the player to get unsettled and desire a move, the club to be in a position willing to accept bids, etc. I still respect Pards' judgment as it got us to where we are now. However in times like this when you're building to consolidate a thin squad for more games, we'd have to accept a no-frills approach to beef up our ranks imo.
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