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Everything posted by Froggy

  1. For all the stick Old Trafford gets, we're out-singing you. Just saying...
  2. http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv13/ian350z_photos/Ray-WilkinsMYWORD.jpg
  3. Can't even begrudge you it ...bastard Did I fuck put that bet on man. I was winding. It'll only be a goal or two difference tonight, if there even is a difference.
  4. Go to hell, Faggy! http://th1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/nghia_vn/Meme/th_TrollDadJump.png
  5. The Sports Direct Arena looks colourful with those signs beside Newcastle United in my opinion.
  6. SkySports reporting the proper team now. Lindegaard Valencia Jones Ferdinand Evra Carrick Giggs Nani Park Rooney Berbatov
  7. Valencia and Carrick in defence and Rooney and Giggs in centre midfield. Welbeck on the left. I have no idea why a lot of you are worried about getting smashed. It's nowhere near our strongest line up. How would you be reacting if it was.
  8. Don't fuck him, then. Spat my fucking chinese out man.
  9. only if you'll change your sig to "Obertan will go on to be the next Thierry Henry...you read it here first!" I'm willing to do some sort of bitch bet if you beat us tonight. I'm a lot more confident than I was at Old Trafford, which is strange.
  10. Am I allowed in the match thread if we happen to go a few goals to the good?
  11. Eh? he was being praised by them for leading by example when they won 6 out of 7 games 1-0 a few weeks ago. Has stepped up to the plate as captain, apparently. loads of mancs on redcafe think he's on a pretty steep decline and a shadow of what he was. from an outside perspective i think he's looked pretty good, especially going forward, in recent matches. However most Man Utd fans on these forums are from places like Kenya and Korea and don't know what they're talking about. Nee offence oldtype. He was shocking v QPR a few weeks back defensively. All over the place. He has started coming back into a bit of form now recently, but for the last year or so he's been on a pretty steep decline as you said. Some games he has been shockingly bad and been caught out defensively. He only kept his place as there was no-one else fit to play in left back. Like I said though, his form is returning.
  12. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/389512_10151099426670029_360913910028_22370786_822939706_n.jpg
  13. Valencia at right back, Carrick and Evans in the centre. Giggs and Gibson in centre midfield and no Rooney. I don't like it.
  14. Complete bollocks this Chelsea game isn't on like. Decided to skip the pub to watch it at home.
  15. Get lost. He's probably right.
  16. Froggy

    Who could go...

    With Fletcher's career now in jeopardy with this illness, we will be looking a new enforcer and Tiote definitely fits the bill. We won't pay £20m+ though.
  17. Yeah can't see how people think Iniesta is better than Zidane like. Certainly not at this stage.
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