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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Man Utd looking to take him on loan...
  2. LFEE

    Erik Pieters

    Apparently so as Krul is following him...
  3. Not sure if its the correct thread but was having a drinking in Rafferty's when a couple of our lot picked up a scouser and dumped him in the wheelie-bin outside... All good natured on both sides to be fair...
  4. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    He said nothing of the sort... Just light heartily joked that to keep Ba happy (as he knows he's not as happy playing out wide doing a job for the team) he'd switch him in the middle...
  5. I might be wrong but as the ball was out wide during that passage of play I'm sure I could hear someone/Williamson shouting 'On me head! On me head!'. I'm sure someone will be able to confirm this later. Yep... I picked up that too when re-watching at home... Not sure who it was though...
  6. Liverpool v Everton lunchtime on the Saturday with Chelsea v Spurs on Sunday evening... Can't see any of the 4 teams / fans being happy with that...
  7. LFEE


    I got a txt saying they were causing murder outside just after the game kicked off Quite a bit bother inside the ground apparently... Including bottles being thrown and full on brawling...
  8. Sounds like there was quite a bit bother in the ground also...
  9. Depends how high the volume is in the pub. I hear they've started scrambling the matches in the pubs... Lad at work says the QPR was scrambled and everyone came running out the pubs on their mobiles trying to find alternatives... Wonder if that will happen with our next official non-televised game...
  10. Not seen it mentioned on here?...
  11. Ranieri sacked at Inter... Is that old news?...
  12. f***'s sake, I can't get to mine in one spin. not sure why i'm laughing, i'm the same Not so much a test but reality bites when you can see the hesitation on the lasses faces when handing out drinks flyers in town left right and center... Always say "No thanks..." Great face saver...
  13. I know what you mean sadly...
  14. Exactly... For most of his time here he has been our only attacking option wide... He came into his own when we added Routledge for the promotion run in as this stopped other teams defending that side in numbers... Love his attitude... Not sure who our vice captain is but was happy to see him with the armband 2nd half... Steven Taylor i think. Aye... Good shout...
  15. Exactly... For most of his time here he has been our only attacking option wide... He came into his own when we added Routledge for the promotion run in as this stopped other teams defending that side in numbers... Love his attitude... Not sure who our vice captain is but was happy to see him with the armband 2nd half...
  16. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    AP... "Hatem with his feathers in full bloom..." "Couple of his runs today where Messi-like"...
  17. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Remind me... When is it the players fault?... When we play ugly and win... play well and lose or play ugly and lose?...
  18. wasn't Hamann a Gullit signing? Nope...
  19. LFEE

    Players in public

    Saw him before the Norwich game buying a programme, he's literally a dwarf. He's had a ST in the milburn for years and is indeed vertically challenged. Christ, imagine being sat next to that droning b******. I once had an argument with him in the Leases car park. Always remember down at Oakwell in the mid-90's playing Barnsley in the cup (0-1 Cole... I think) he was up in the gantry commentating and come FT a bunch of fans nearby removed the ladder leaving him and his colleagues stranded until help arrived...
  20. The funny thing is bigger leads have been blown more recently by supposedly bigger clubs but never highlighted... Must be true when they say no one ever remembers the runners-up... They did however that year and still do to this day... Great days...
  21. Shame its an early KO on a Sunday... Those games tend to have a flat atmosphere whoever is playing... Aye, as a season ticket holder, been shafted by how many home games have been televised. Would be interested to see how many times we've been on Sky/ESPN so far this season compared to other teams... We must be right up there...
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