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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    La Liga

    Was at that game... Valdes made 2 big saves and thought Real played well and with a little more belief could of knicked something... Any chance you can explain why the ground was only half full?... Surely not the poor weather? It was the coldest night in Barcelona since records are kept. Yes, I know, you northerners laugh at what we soft latinos think as "cold". But since the game was on free TV, it was easier to keep warm at home. I take it weather has the biggest effect on your attendances or was it the Free View? Got a surprise with the fluctuation of your attendances this season after just checking them... 30k down is a lot... is Real Madrid the same?..
  2. Easily achievable, just follow the Tottenham model. Jack up admission and season ticket prices to ridiculously high levels and have a fanbase mug enough to keep on filling the stadium. Out of curiosity what's your average ticket/ST price? It be more relevant surely if the figures were minus wage bill/outgoings... Always thought Valencia for example were skint...
  3. LFEE

    La Liga

    Was at that game... Valdes made 2 big saves and thought Real played well and with a little more belief could of knicked something... Any chance you can explain why the ground was only half full?... Surely not the poor weather?
  4. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Its about the football for me. Under Pardew we produce poor football on a consistent basis and I just know that will f*** us up sooner rather than later. This season, all though unexpected and pretty good in terms of where we are, I feel we are there by other fortune, that this is a fluke in parts. I look at our players and faceplam when I see such a poor perfomance as against too many sides this season. I will make a comparision of sorts here. Although we finished 5th under Sir Bobby in his final full season in charge, we all knew we were s*** that season and unlikely to porgress much further unless drastic changes were made, perhaps replacing the great man himself. Well I was one of those who advocated that perhaps we needed to replace him. Of course we only went and replaced him with f***ing Souness... worst mistake ever, but if we had of replaced him with someone different, someone better (in certain areas), who knows. For me this season is similar. We are 5th but my the football we have served up has been s*** and although Pardew does deserve credit and is obviously doing wonders of some sort, I feel we are 5th in general in spite of him rather than because of him. Now I get your point about what more do you want. I aknowledge that my points and reasoning seem churlish and extreme but I really believe given our players, the new financial fair play stuff and our scouting and setup that we are perhaps a good tactician and advocate of good football away from something special, not for the now, but long-term. That's my beief anyway and I stand by it. For me our football or rather lack of speaks huge volumes given the talent we have. We should be putting away sides comfortably as we did under KK back when we first came up in the early 90s or under Sir Bobby. Because we have the players. I was in London last week and a Chelsea fan couldn't believe just how good a spine we had and how we accunmulated such a spine under the radar. Krul he said was the best 'keeper in the league on form, Colo one of the best defenders. Tiote and Cabaye a fearsom twosome. Ba the league's deadliest striker and now Cisse, a real goalscorer. Add Ben Arfa, Jonas, Santon, Guthrie, all good footballers, and we have the players yet our football takes us back to Big Sam's day in ways. Playing Ryan Taylor ahead of Ben Arfa at home to QPR and Villa, much lesser sides. Playing for a narrow 1-0 win at home to QPR with 50 minutes to go. The constant long ball. Brighton in the Cup. Stevenage. Playing Joey Barton wide left. a right footed player. These may seem minor issues in the grande scheme of things but they are or should act as massive alarm bells ringing away. Pardew talked about good football, passing football and slick moves, yet we see none of it. We are 5th and well done to all but whenever I watch us play, all bias aside, I look on in wonder just how we are so high in the table when lesser sides outplay us and out perform us. From QPR to Villa most recently. If we want top 10-8 footy, or mid-table steadyness, Pardew is your man. Foreget this season, its a fluke in the way Everton finishing 4th was, but if you want more, then we seriously need ro consider replacing Pardew in the same way we need to seriously consider replacing Simpson at RB if we are to improve, or to accomodate Ben Arfa etc. You still haven't said who you would replace AP with?..
  5. Obviously the Barnsley goal was a one off... Glad to hear he's ok... Remember meeting him at SJP the day he signed...
  6. LFEE


    Think you are mixing up Raylor with Saylor...
  7. LFEE

    Papiss Cissé

    Possibly... Did he hit the bar clean through similar to Rosenthal?
  8. Temple Bar, it's an Irish bar that shows all the English games. if you're on the Ramblas, it's about 20 metres down the street with KFC on the corner. http://english.templebarbcn.com/ Thank you very much...
  9. Anyone know a good bar to catch this game in Barcelona?..
  10. Why?.. He refused to play for us in a pre-season friendly when relegated so he could move to Spurs?
  11. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I noticed when I passed the team coach at Fulham it had Sky on the screens so could be on the move still... Thought it would be hard to get a Sky Signal while moving. That's what I thought but I could see the menu graphics etc... Not sure they had a signal like!..
  12. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I noticed when I passed the team coach at Fulham it had Sky on the screens so could be on the move still...
  13. Would be a good signing from what I've seen of him...
  14. Any idea?... Send the lad home for bad behaviour ! Thought someone on here reported he got booked 1st game and noticed he'd picked one up in the 2nd game...
  15. The Moose also said that he's watched him for nearly 5yr and if he was going to make a premiership CB then he would of been one already... Mmm great insight!...
  16. LFEE


    Something i started doing in my texts over a year ago when answering multiple questions in one reply... Pigeon English creeping in perhaps!.. Futile i guess... I've learnt on here that no matter how hard you try to make a point it's normally mis-read and took another way... And I agree... It's got to be one. Or three... Two don't work as well..
  17. LFEE


    I put it down to the trauma that was my trip to Fulham ... And thinking ahead to who will be in our forward line this coming Saturday... ... Then I'll feel more comfortable to gloat...
  18. 1986 world cup? might even be the same game robson dislocated his shoulder. probably, i was dead young, one of my first footballing memories, remember laughing my head off over and over, would have been 5 like so sounds about right. was it at the ref?... Seem to remember he just threw the ball to the ground... Was only 12 at the time... 1st time I'd be allowed to stay up late... Think the games were on 1am!... Possibly beyond that!...
  19. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    Taiwo here on a similar six month deal would of made a lot of sense... Let's hope we've got a LB lined up... Liked the look of Ghoulam...
  20. LFEE

    Papiss Cissé

    Well i think its going to go like this tbh....... Ba starts, Cisse replaces him with 20 mins to go and both start against Villa. That would be ideal... Let's hope...
  21. LFEE


    Mind you... what are our Shola's stats this season?... Noone's saying Sholas good tho No.. I'm just highlighting that Davies is better... Stones and Glass Houses etc...
  22. LFEE


    Mind you... what are our Shola's stats this season?...
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