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Everything posted by Hanshithispantz

  1. Just said the same, cannot remember a game where we've been given 50/50s to this extent Wrong ones an all
  2. Nobody has said things aren't bad We cannot defend because Howe relies on pressure to push the ball into non threatening areas. We cannot do that at the minute. The fact we're still in games and have been able to string results together despite this is a possitive sign, and makes the calls for his job to be reviewed look silly, but it obviously doesn't mean we're a good side atm. Cannot be arsed for another day of repeating obvious things like so will leave it here.
  3. Hall has shown he's good enough to make Premier League appearances at Chelsea. He was impressive for them. There's no question that he's a good enough footballer to be getting minutes in this league so why would his age be preventing it? If he's ready physically or tactically is a different question, and that's the actual reason Howe wouldn't play a yoot. You can speculate that Howe is too strict with what he's asking, but it's just speculation.
  4. Think you might be thinking of a different Rhys? He went on to play in the Championship/League One but has just been sent back to Liverpool apparently.
  5. Aye, he's actually played Tino on the wing a couple of times too when we've been especially light up top.
  6. The Liverpool lads bar one were England U18 or U21 internationals. Nobody knows what's going on with Hall, he's obviously good enough to get Premier League minutes, his lack of appearances won't be down to Howe not trusting youth - there's obviously an 'issue' with the player (people can speculate what that is - my guess would be that we're still getting him ready physically, as we saw with Gordon last season).
  7. I'm not even sure what you're getting at here? Milan were far better than us, I'm not denying that. My point us that we started the game with Milan sitting back and hitting us on the break. We couldn't break them down and they repeatedly cut through us. You made a point that we set up to play out a draw, sitting infront of our own box, and that apparently has been Howe's blueprint ever since?
  8. First half: It never worked as Tomori was outstanding, and Milan were lethal on the break, but it was pretty obvious we never set up to camp in our own half and play out a draw. 2nd half they completely controlled. Like I say, it was similar to Dortmund at home, Howe definitely 'got done' in both games.
  9. Your point was that we set out for a draw, and this was the template since for away games. We set out to control the ball and obviously wanted to contain it in their half, they were great though, similar to Dortmund at SJP, and cut us apart on the break. 2nd half they took control of the game and it was a painful watch, but we definitely didn't turn up at the San Siro with the plan of camping in our own half, or playing out a draw. We were brilliant, but I don't know why you think this is down to Howe specifically taking a different approach in that game though? Other than fatigue, and at places like Man City/Liverpool/Arsenal, Howe will want to play up the pitch and step onto the opposition, it's his entire philosophy as a manager, and it's how we defend and attack. I'm not denying Howe will have made a lot of mistakes this season, but I cannot see why he would willingly throw away his philosophy, we've spent the majority of the season with a butchered squad so it's hard to gauge much: West Ham Shef Utd Milan Brighton Man City Those were our away games before we hit that period of bad injuries/suspensions.
  10. I posted it before but cannot find it, basically we had 2 very strong starting XIs with the idea of rotating with the congested fixture list, that completely went out the window within a couple of months. Everything after has basically just been staying afloat. EDIT: It hasn't gotten much better.
  11. Sorry like but this is obviously silly. We took the game to Milan, they just defended really well (Tomori was briliant) and slaughtered us on the break. Not sure how you watched it and thought he'd set us up for a draw? Most of these games were during our worst period for injuries and fixture congestion. I'd be amazed if he was setting us up much different outside of tactical tweaks to suite the opposition. We played well against Villa and they were shite. If we were bad and lost you would have lumped them in with the other games and blamed the way we set up. Again, what approach? We clearly tried to control the game at the San Siro. How are we meant to play with intensity with a threadbare squad? Howe wants push up the pitch and set pressing traps, shuttle the opposition out to the wings and clear away speculative balls and crosses. This is obvious by watching us play with a near fully fit squad. The fact we've mainly dropped the 'intensity is our identity' style of play should be a good indicator that we just cannot apply the effort. Why would you assume this is some random tactical diversion, rather than something forced onto him by our situation? See last comment. After the WC teams seemed to suss us a bit, but he sorted it out. The season tailed off last few games, but I wouldn't say we struggled? Too much to really get into here. He'll likely change a lot of things in hindsight, but a lot of the things people say he should do will never address our actual issue, which is our inability to be physical enough to control games like we used to. Teams like Luton and Bournemouth just looked far fitter than us. More athletic and quicker to 2nd balls. Who exactly do we bring on from that bench, who is going to be capable of single handedly besting PSG's back line? Riviere at least has the physicality to win an aerial challenge, and if he was still here he no doubt would have came on But just throwing on random National League level 18 year olds is unlikely to do anything. With Isak, even when fucked, there's always the chance he can make something happen. This applies to any manager. 90% of the time you know how they'll set up. Our issue is that even the likes of Everton, Luton and Bournemouth know that they're fitter than us, and can bully us off the ball. Why would we finish 8-12 every year? He had us consistent top 4 for over a year and a half, before an insane injury crisis. Replacing him in the summer would be absolute insanity.
  12. Hanshithispantz

    Dan Burn

    Trademark of a cracking fullback.
  13. Because people are seriously talking about Howe losing his job, and some actively want it to happen. It's just a massive exaggeration how bad we've been. In anycase Fulham aren't a lower league side. The Luton and Bournemouth draws weren't great but energetic teams obviously feel like they can step on us at the minute and are taking advantage.
  14. Hanshithispantz

    Dan Burn

    The first, it was bad luck but he could have dealt with it better and hoofed it - we're judging him on Dan Burn Rules here. I wouldn't even blame him for any though personally, even the Saka one. All of our defenders have had a torrid time the past few months. EDIT: Actually here we go, re Burn... "but was the cause of the one he cleared off the line with a very poor bit of play in the lead up to it, so I'd be hesitant to give him credit for that particular incident."
  15. Hanshithispantz

    Dan Burn

    I mean those blaming Burn for absolutely everything obviously weren't banking on the lad replacing him being directly responsible for 2 goals, and Burn coming on and grabbing a fantastic assist It was almost a biblical lesson, a moral example you'd see in a school play or something. I wouldn't expect Livramento to take much blame, or him to not still be replacing Burn going forwards, but the stick the latter was getting was shamefull.
  16. *Since he was in England Obviously offences after the ban could be looked at by the FA. Like if he's still gambling now. Anything he was doing before being caught should be covered by a 10 month ban though. There's no logic to completely ruining his career unless he was match fixing.
  17. Saying he hides is just daft like, on form his movement is his best attribute
  18. He's being punished though. It's not like he's gotten away with a slap on the wrist. Additional punishment would show them to be embarrassingly ignorant of addiction, there's very little chance he would have stopped betting, it's completely trivial.
  19. They aren't but we have no real choice but to treat him as one do we? Unless the FA find texts of him admitting he's making it up or something then why should they treat him like he's a cunt?
  20. "Continuing to be an idiot" If he's a gambling addict he would have done, as it's an addiction. You cannot just stop, man He needs (and will likely have gotten) serious help, but until he (hopefully) hit a point of being 'cured' he'll have been sticking bets on.
  21. Been forced into watching this and it's actually quality TV.
  22. Most good sides play and train with intensity though. Even the likes of Bournemouth and Luton are doing it, Leeds etc previously. You'd expect niggles and some muscle injuries, but they've coincided with some freak injuries and Tonali being a radge gabling addict. Obviously correlation but I wouldn't expect this level to be the norm.
  23. I mean we switched from a more traditional back 4 with Targett to a more isometric 3-2-3-1 in buildup with Burn for example, but the formation graph says 4-3-3 at the start of the game so Eddie only knows how to play one way... We also went from a side playing dogged off the ball football, relying on a tree upfront to relieve pressure, to a more attacking side the next season, and an even more possession based side this season (before it went tits up)... actually think I'll just take Kaka's advice
  24. If we don't get a bit of luck with injuries we'll likely finish bottom half. Prepare yourself for it and don't freak out. Just look forward to next season when we can blow teams out the water again.
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