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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Fair weather fan Where is the fair weather? Here, in the midlands! It red hot! Did a five mile cross country race today and felt like I was going to get heat stroke!
  2. Fair weather fan Not really, I was at City when they humped us 3-0, Souness's last game in charge. I was at Wigan for the pitiful 1-0 losses. I was there in the Championship, I've seen us humped at Anfield and have supported the club unwaveringly through the Gullit, Roeder, Kinnear and Alardyce periods. Only because Im under 30 do I not remember the dark age pre Keegan, although I do remember us in Division 2. I can deal with us not doing the business on the pitch, it's the way that the FCB has made the club rotten at the core that makes my blood boil. This isn't having a go at you so please dont think it is, but it makes my blood boil when people say the club is rotten to the core, i understand why its said but its Ashley and his cronies that are rotten not the club. Think of it like this, when a body has Cancer its the Cancer that is rotten not the body, thats how i se it, this CLUB will be here when that fat oaf is dead and buried. Yes, but cancer will kill the body unless it is completely removed. And the only thing that will remove the FCB is money. Or more specifically, a lack of it. Which is why I am financially boycotting the club. I live in hope that one day we will get an owner who wants the club rather than his bank account to do well.
  3. Fair weather fan Not really, I was at City when they humped us 3-0, Souness's last game in charge. I was at Wigan for the pitiful 1-0 losses. I was there in the Championship, I've seen us humped at Anfield and have supported the club unwaveringly through the Gullit, Roeder, Kinnear and Alardyce periods. Only because Im under 30 do I not remember the dark age pre Keegan, although I do remember us in Division 2. I can deal with us not doing the business on the pitch, it's the way that the FCB has made the club rotten at the core that makes my blood boil.
  4. Shepherd bled the club dry, Ashley wanted a piece of the action, but the pie was just crust. Still hasn't stopping the cockney cunt from defiling the very fabric of NUFC. Definitely the worst person associated with the club in my lifetime.
  5. This is the final straw for me. It's the very fabric of the club; some of our history. Ashley has obliterated our squad - I got over that. He's bleeding vast amounts of cash out of the club - I got over that. He's insulted us, sacked our manager and lied to us - I got over that. But now he's messing with the history of the club - something he doesn't own, the fans do. From now on, I'm going to be meticulous in making sure that not a penny of my money goes to m*ke as*ley. No going to games, no buying shirts, no buying mechandise. Definitely no sp*rts d*rect. Only when the FCB goes will I start putting money and my emotional buy in back to the club. That was it, my own personal breaking point.
  6. I'm not so sure about the lazy thing. You don't need 100% work rate to be a good striker. Usually one of the strikers will play the target man, so they need to work hard, but the other striker needs to be clever. The trick is to not look like a threat i.e. ambling about aimlessly until the move is on, the suddenly spring to life and make that run or get into that position. Nolan was good at this, and Best seems to be too: looking shite, but still scoring a hatfull of goals.
  7. Or more sensibly: Krul Raylor Saylor Colo Santa Cabaye Tiote Jonas Marv Barfa Best However, that is far from definate. IMO, there is a lot of scope for rotation during injury/loss of form. Only player who are nailed on are: Krul Colo Saylor Santon Cabaye Tiote Jonas Barfa Whereas the other four positions will be a fight between: Simpson Raylor Marveux Obertan Vuckic Best Ba Ameobi Sameobi So actually, apart from LB and CB, we've got decent squad depth. (Oh, and I can see Sameobi being the new Carroll. In a good way.)
  8. Harper Krul Raylor Saylor Coloccini Santon Cabaye Tiote Jonas Marveux Obertan Vuckic Ben Arfa Shola Ba Sammy Would be immense IMO.
  9. So instead of Ruiz, we're getting Ridgewell? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU......
  10. No, but it went slow and shit for a bit.
  11. What's going on with the forums? Crashed!
  12. He's better than Bale. Bale is fucking shit.
  13. If we get a big offer - 7M plus, we should let him go and have Raylor at RB.
  14. But that's classy racism. If it's good enough for the Duke of Edinburgh, it's good enough for the family club.
  15. Horrible wall pushing c***s, chanting justice for the 96. Only way justice would be delivered would be if they fire bombed l*verpool.
  16. :lol: You imagine that Ruiz sounds like a Tyneside Radgie?!
  17. Dominos delivery guy? The FCB must be around...
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