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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Whoa! How inbred are these Stoke fans?! About 5 teeth between them, and doing middle fingers and stuff.
  2. You're such a funny and original guy. Things are always funnier the more you repeat them. Plus I'm bored.
  4. Immense BAN You know it's a two day ban for trying to get someone banned? Therfore, I get a ban for trolling, you get a ban for trying to get me banned, and I get a ban for trying to get you banned for trying to get me banned. Infinite ban!
  5. Why bother? Because I'm bored at work, and it gave a few people a probleme.
  6. Maiga confirmed as signed on nufc.co.uk!!!
  7. That has got to be weapons grade bullshit.
  8. Everton selling Beckford to Leicester for £4M. Now that is the footballing equivalent of turning shit into wine! So glad that we never signed him.
  9. Please be true that he's going! Oh, and isn't Ranger a Dennis Wise signing? If so, thanks very much, you cockney cunt!
  10. waste of squad place and wages. Striker and Centre Half much more pressing Tru dat. I can see him going to QPR. those c***s are gonna be considerably stronger just in time to play us like, sakes. Not really, they are going to be exactly how we were in 2008/09. Squad full of mercenries who do not give a shit. We've tried it, we got relegated. Does not work. QPR are becoming 'City Lite', the difference being, City have bought the bets players money can buy, so it doesn't matter as much if they don't really gel.
  11. Cabaye Santon Marveux Ba Abeid Yeah, summer from hell....
  12. Krul Raylor Saylor Colo Santa Cabaye Tiote Marveux Jonas Best Ba
  13. I saw michael o*en driving around Chester once. Tried to wind the windows down and call him a cunt, but the lights changed.
  14. If that's true then it's a disgrace. Titus has suffered enough abuse in his time on the football pitch, so any casual racism from the mackems just gans owa his heed! He's that solid he probably wouldn't understand what was being said.
  15. Krul - First choice Forster - On loan Harper - Backup Eliott - Backup Soderberg - Seemingly fucked.
  16. If that's true then it's a disgrace. may contain some exageration like But probably true Family club, man. So Fatha, mammy and the bairns were all calling Gyan a "B**** ****!" constantly for 90 minutes.
  17. Did he get a Champions League winner's medal when they won it?! Means nowt man, Stephane Gui'varch had a World Cup winners medal and he was worse than the apocalypse. Gui'varch man Guivarc'h, tbh. G'u'i'v'a'r'c'h?
  18. Fucking hall, man! I'm sure out of the vast array of items in your personal dwelling, you can find something more ringpiece friendly and less expensive than a games console!
  19. infinite wastage Of IRA money?
  20. Did he get a Champions League winner's medal when they won it?! We can start his medal up front against Sunderland. Along side a bag containing £35 Million? Still be a better strike partnership than Crouch and Gyan.
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