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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Did he get a Champions League winner's medal when they won it?! Means nowt man, Stephane Gui'varch had a World Cup winners medal and he was worse than the apocalypse.
  2. Link? This is what have been said all day. Can we not just offer Twat Ranger in a part ex, and just lie about how good he is a la Ali Dia?
  3. Cabaye is one hell of a sexy beast though.
  4. Not possible. Their fans are too classy to be racist.
  5. Fucking hell man, Millwall have had a bigger impact in Europe than the unwashed.
  6. :frantic: :frantic: He's got a two million quid release clause!
  7. Only seen him play a couple of times but looked decent, not sure a right footed left back is the answer to your problems though. As we have found out, playing a right footer on the left has it advantages but also a lot of disadvantages, personally it boils my p*** when I see a player having to constantly check back onto his proper foot and it halts any momentum you have going forward in a instance. He's not Keiron f***ing Richardson... Bardsley, our right footed left back scored 3 goals from that position last season, the benchmark has been set. i often wonder when the whole of SAFC will reach the benchmark of sholas 12 european goals? Shiteameobi has already managed that feat by himself man! isnt that what I said??? How the fuck did I miss that?!?! Am I Sholablind or something?!
  8. Only seen him play a couple of times but looked decent, not sure a right footed left back is the answer to your problems though. As we have found out, playing a right footer on the left has it advantages but also a lot of disadvantages, personally it boils my p*** when I see a player having to constantly check back onto his proper foot and it halts any momentum you have going forward in a instance. He's not Keiron f***ing Richardson... Bardsley, our right footed left back scored 3 goals from that position last season, the benchmark has been set. i often wonder when the whole of SAFC will reach the benchmark of sholas 12 european goals? Shiteameobi has already managed that feat by himself man!
  9. Only seen him play a couple of times but looked decent, not sure a right footed left back is the answer to your problems though. As we have found out, playing a right footer on the left has it advantages but also a lot of disadvantages, personally it boils my p*** when I see a player having to constantly check back onto his proper foot and it halts any momentum you have going forward in a instance. He's not Keiron f***ing Richardson... Bardsley, our right footed left back scored 3 goals from that position last season, the benchmark has been set. Raylor is already on 2 this season, Scunthorpe and some other team with c*** in their name.
  10. Can we not just pay up his contract, or at least offer him on a free transfer where we pay the difference in his earnings or something?
  11. Only seen him play a couple of times but looked decent, not sure a right footed left back is the answer to your problems though. As we have found out, playing a right footer on the left has it advantages but also a lot of disadvantages, personally it boils my p*** when I see a player having to constantly check back onto his proper foot and it halts any momentum you have going forward in a instance. Wearside: Could you please not post any more coherent messages with proper grammar? Kind of takes the shine off my usage of the words inbred, unwashed or cunts in every post I talk about s*nderland. Please user proper m*ckem speak when you post on here i.e. WUZ GANNA WIN THA LEEG WUTH A HUDRED POINTS THIS YER MARRA!!!!!!!11111 Thank you.
  12. What, when we beat them 5-1? Was Gyan playing?
  13. A charver who is particularly more of a heed the baal than his fellow marras. An angry charver who starts on everyone, but never actually partakes in violence, due to the fact malnourishment has left him/her vulnerable to getting his/hers arse kicked by a three year old.
  14. He's doesn't and nor has he ever played for Banik Ostrava and nor is he Czech. (class poor joke though if applicable) TL:DNR.
  15. Next game - Chelsea 2 points from 4 games? Whereas we have QPR next - 10 points from 4 games? Awesome. But the inbred, unwashed c***s will still have dominated all their games, whilst we fluster from one fluke to the next. Oh come on man... I'll be sure to bump this post when it happens. Remember - I am ALWAYS right. You're certainly looking right about Man City, like. What was it I said about City again?
  16. You can take the man out of Sunderland but you can't take the filthy, devaluing stench of Sunderland out of any man. I believe that's how the saying goes. FAIDS - Football AIDS: Noun. The debilitating deisease which saps all talent and class from any footballer who ever pulls on a red and white shirt and turns out for that shower of shite known as s*nderland FC.
  17. And he has a column in the scum. Has he been botting Rupert Murcunt clean up the arse?
  18. I was replying to the guy who said Nolan and Barton got the best out of him. If those two were involved in any team with Carroll it would end up being hoofball by design. Even at Liverpool they are saying that every time he plays they end up humping the ball long towards his head. And you are assuming that scousers are saying words that aren't complete self-pitying twaddle?
  19. Next game - Chelsea 2 points from 4 games? Whereas we have QPR next - 10 points from 4 games? Awesome. But the inbred, unwashed c***s will still have dominated all their games, whilst we fluster from one fluke to the next. Oh come on man... I'll be sure to bump this post when it happens. Remember - I am ALWAYS right.
  20. Next game - Chelsea 2 points from 4 games? Whereas we have QPR next - 10 points from 4 games? Awesome. But the inbred, unwashed cunts will still have dominated all their games, whilst we fluster from one fluke to the next.
  21. 2011/12 Season - Least games won: Sunderland - 0.
  22. It would be tugtastic if Johnson came here. Never going to happen though.
  23. Who is this feral little cunt? Most punchable face I've seen for a long time!
  24. I think Simpson is the answer to RB in the long term, just not whilst his bairn is ill. Give Raylor a bit of a run.
  25. Condolences to all family and friends. 37 is far too young. RIP.
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