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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Glad we aren't signing him. Waste of wages.
  2. Coloccini Saylor Williamson Kadar Probleme?
  3. He's been confirmed. Spotted in Blu Bambu glassing a lass and breaking two men's jaws.
  4. Agent Bruce is a Toon legend!
  5. TBF, I'd buy Van Aanholt and play Santon at RB.
  6. p*ss or s*** ? My shit hasn't been drinkable for a long time. Fatherhood has limited my intake of 3am kebabs from dodgy backstreet vendors. So it would have to be piss. Or tears. Or sweat (which would be painful enough to collect).
  7. If Elliot ever makes a PL start, I'll drink a pint of my own.
  8. Can we not just send him to Guantanamo?
  9. I fucking hope not. The first time he posts a shot of him holding a bottle of Corvoisier on twatter, I'm going to hunt him down and execute him.
  10. Word on the street is they're going to spend the Henderson money on a proven PL striker by signing Robbie Fowler for £20 million.
  11. General consensus (in Italian and English press) is that he's flying in for a medical and should sign tomorrow. If he's flying Ryanair, then he may arrive by the end of the January transfer window.
  12. That line is out of order If your Dad had bagged up, then you'd have never thought that line was out of order.
  13. Spoke to him in tup tup (yes I know) and he was just standing about admiring the ladies. He did ask if I wanted a signature which I duly said no to which he replied "I like you then" and bought me a jagerbomb ha Interesting. Obviously feels most fans just want to talk to him so they can get something signed, and flog it or whatever. Was clearly touched by your genuine nature. A truly beautiful story, thanks for sharing. First time the phrases 'genuine nature', 'truly beautiful story' and the word 'Jaegerbomb' have been used in the same post.
  14. Agreed, but Tevez is a greedy little shitcunt too. Aye, can't understand him at all not wanting to play in that team.
  15. Divorce her. That argument probs wouldn't fly in court, TBF.
  16. Agreed, but Tevez is a greedy little shitcunt too.
  17. Nile ranger Feeling for a nandos.... Need to get myself a nandos blackcard.. In there too much He loves chicken does Nile. OMG ONOZ! Racism!
  18. Was going to say! If Fergy is 6'2", then I'm 7' tall!
  19. My Wife and In-Laws are Citeh fans, so I am sick of hearing about how they are a big club and we aren't. Sucks even more because I met her when we were substansially better than them.
  20. Can we not just get Fergy to eat whatever Nolan was eating when he was with us?
  21. the player and 2 of his managers disagree He's about 2 stone wet through. Unless he starts putting away the steak, eggs and Guiness, he's never going to make it as a defender.
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