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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Cajun, if this was a pub, and not the internets, someone would have glassed you by now!
  2. Nothing is funnier or cleverer than swearing.
  3. Sorted Cheers mate, I am no longer angry. Oh, and Colocho, I only said the C word again for comedic effect!
  4. Steak is for men. Chicken is for not men. I had a BBQ today. Iam rawr.
  5. You managed it well enough last week I didn't. I only used the C word once, I hardly started the holocaust or anything. You're preaching to the choir here mate. I've been in your position too Dont think I've forgotten either. Was it you who banned me? Because if it was, why am I on a sticky ban on the banned list along with the other uberbastards who have permanent bans? I look like a cross between Fred West and Pol Pot man.
  6. Chicken is alright, but it most certainly looks a bit silly next to a fillet steak.
  7. You managed it well enough last week I didn't. I only used the C word once, I hardly started the holocaust or anything.
  8. I am so angry with you it defies words...
  9. Nandos if fucking minging. If you want nice food for not much money, try TFIs or Pizza Express.
  10. Right. This thread got me banned for a week, well, Cajun provoked me and didn't get banned himself, but that's by the by. Ranger is turboshit, and now I've had to spend a week away, not only would I sell him if I was manager, I would execute him on the f***ing pitch, the f***ing waste of wages and my time on this thread.
  11. Every time Young gets the ball I expect him to throw himself on the floor.
  12. You are a thick cunt. The evidence is on the screen as we speak, yet you won't change your view point. People are willing him to get subbed off FFS! Is that not indication enough of how shit he is?!
  13. The question is, how do we spread £35 Million on replacements for Guthrie, Saylor, Ranger, Carroll, Loven, Kuqi, Campbell and Ameobi?
  14. You have just summed up Rangers Toon career so far. This is where you are going wrong ignoring my typos. The lad hasn't even started his career but you seem to be judging him like he has actually had some sort of run! He has started his career, and he's been woeful today. Embarrassingly bad, in fact. Has contributed nothing to our side, wasted his opportunities and given the ball away.
  15. You have just summed up Rangers Toon career so far.
  16. Except Carroll looked good quite early on and scored some goals, wheras Ranger looks dump and his goals are like rocking horse s****. And you are using this circus music s*** to cover up for the fact that your argument has no substance behind it. You're shatting s*** tbh, there isn't really an argument to be had it's just pathetic. TBH, I usually do shat shit when I am shatting...
  17. Except Carroll looked good quite early on and scored some goals, wheras Ranger looks dump and his goals are like rocking horse shite. And you are using this circus music shit to cover up for the fact that your argument has no substance behind it.
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