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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Jonas has been good lately. If only Barfa was always there to make him play for his place!
  2. not sure anyone ever does, always reverts to the sponser ribbons for prem trophy for example Yeah, but it'd still be nice to get you keep your colours on. They still say Coca Cola, anyway.
  3. I reckon we'll howk these by four or five. If we can keep Manure at bay for 90 mins, combined with the return of Nolan and the possible starting of Ireland, I think we've got goals in us. Plenty of them. As long as Ranger doesn't start. If Ranger starts, we're fucked.
  4. Looking at the Championship trophy, the black ribbons are gone for the red Coca Cola ones. I know they sponsor it, but it's a bit sad that we don't get to keep our ribbons on it all year.
  5. Seriously, who here has seen Guivarvc'h play? Those of you who have, join me on my high horse.
  6. Lawro has this down as a 1-1 and Liam Gallagher says 2-1v Bpool. Not being funny, but if we don't facebum Bpool, I'll be annoyed.
  7. TBF, the speed at which Blaydon Races, or indeed any other song is sung annoys me! Get some rhythm, man!
  8. That is disagreeing with and therefore critisising the referee. Apart from the fact that little p-nis dived like mad and was thoroughly deserving of his booking.
  9. Fucking secterianists are arseholes. Making life in NI miserable for everyone else. I was out there when the Dissidents bumped off those two Engineers at Masereene. Very bad times. Do they not realise that they just hold the country back?
  10. He said the referee had an excellent game The universe would collapse if he ever did that.
  11. Thou dost protest too much, sir. f***ing troll! It's OK, I haven't lived in the NE for over a decade now, so ner ner ner ner ner... I'm from Seaham btw. Oh my god, get the interwebz police!!!!!!!!! :angry: MACKEM ALERT!!!
  12. Thou dost protest too much, sir. Fucking troll! It's OK, I haven't lived in the NE for over a decade now, so ner ner ner ner ner...
  13. I take it you missed the pelanty. Wasn't really looking. Only saw his good saves TBF.
  14. You know what? This has clearly gotten to him. Good. I hope the cunt has just realised that money isn't everything and now he is hated by every set of fans he has ever played for and he never became an England legend he will always be remembered as a greedy cunt who never filled his potential. Your millions will never change that, you little ultrabastard.
  15. And Manchester is built on the Mersey, but that doesn't make them Scousers.
  16. Last time I checked, Durham wasn't on Wearside. Are you calling me a f*cking m*ckem?!
  17. The FA if they don't ban Fergie again for his comments about the referee when he is serving a ban for critisising referees.
  18. Szchezny actually looks like a good keeper here!
  19. Aye. Surely not even up for debate. I think it is. Shola is either Ace or Shite. Best is still a largely unknown quantity.
  20. Some of the strip clubs might have some wield foreign 'art' stuff on.
  21. I would definately keep Colo and Willi as our starting pair for the foreseeable future. What we do need is a good third choice CB. Saylor is 4th choise at best. Don't know if Kadar will make it.
  22. I thought he was very good tonight. Won some good balls and used possesion well.
  23. Aye that's the danger, I've posted multiple times that he needs to pull his finger out. The good thing is that he's young enough to realise and do it, whether he does or not we'll see. Not sure if that qualifies as being a 'lover'. It's not a danger, it's already happening! He needed to pull out his finger about 18 months ago.
  24. No, but I would at least expect something! Ranger is just turboshit in every way! Worse than Lovenkrands!
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