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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Surely straight vodka is better than that........ Dunno like, I'm actually quite enjoying it now I've got the taste for it! Although I could stick the Grey Goose in the freezer to use if we win...
  2. I really want a beer whilst watching the match. Just been to the frindge and the in-laws have drunk all of my beer and wine. Even out of SoCo and JD. Having to drink fucking vodka and orange. I have died a bit inside. Maybe this is karma adding up to a Toon win?
  3. Good first half mind, looks like a good PL keeper.
  4. Jose has been awesome. Could have done with a goal from that half. Hairdryer will change them.
  5. Krul's done really well so far. One good save, calm and sensible and his positioning has been good. Should top up the debate on Krul vs Forster.
  6. Nani trying to 'draw a foul' from Chiek (read: diving). Chiek saw this and stepped back, making Nani look loke a knob.
  7. Oh my fucking god! Sky couldn't be more biased if they tried! Montage of Rooney, with nothing about the Toon. Cunts.
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