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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Well. 38 minutes played, and Ranger is making you look a right twat so far...
  2. Jose wasn't happy with skinning him a mere 7 times there and just had to go for an 8th, didn't he...
  3. Agreed. Maybe he is trying to persuade Pards not to play Barfa on the Left!
  4. Jose's clearances haven't been particularly convincing so far! Also, we look to have a massive gap between midfield and attack. Does this mean Colo is sitting in front of the back four and Guthrie is staying central? Maybe both Ranger and Loven are sitting right up? Maybe Nolan missing has taken away our link? I know that Shola likes to sit in the hole sometimes.
  5. You're a clown Because I've said he's crap because he's scored one goal (against crap opposition in the league cup) in 23 appearances? How does this make me a clown?
  6. It doesn't take an expert to look at his goals to game ratio and see that he's ineffective.
  7. Of course SAFC are in the short term as that is achievable target but getting the points to stay up is still the main target. We probably already have enough points to stay up. Sunderland are below us and in freefall. These are both pretty weak targets. We need to motivate the team by setting a difficult target such as 7th place. The way this season has gone I will wait till we are mathematically safe. 7th f*** off...WERE YOU ONE OF THE MONGS WATCHING LIVERPOOL V MUFC THINKING THAT RESULT WILL EFFECT OUR EUROPEAN CHANCES? You need to go and get your helper, quick, before you cut yourself on something sharp. Oh, and 7th place isn't Europe, 5th is, which we won't achieve. You've completely missed what I was saying. What is the point of setting 17th place as a target, when we are 9th?! Looking at the predictor, 35 points is safe. I've got Newcastle finishing 9th on 49 points. Not too big an ask, 10 points from 7 games, is it?
  8. Of course SAFC are in the short term as that is achievable target but getting the points to stay up is still the main target. We probably already have enough points to stay up. Sunderland are below us and in freefall. These are both pretty weak targets. We need to motivate the team by setting a difficult target such as 7th place.
  9. Shola is incredulously brilliant at penalties. Better than Shearer ever was. This is like a Rugby prop kicking the drop goals, it's that unexpected!
  10. That shirt is OK, I guess. I have that shirt, signed by SBR. Never worn it. Never will. Need to get it properly framed.
  11. Not the next Shearer, but having even a tiny bit of proffesionalism and scoring at least one goal would be a start. All I see is a prick who couldn't buy a goal, which for me does not make for a good striking prospect.
  12. Yes, it is. If you're not in the Sky 6, you're a small club, not worthy of mentioning in the same breath as the pundits favourites: Man U Man City Chelski Arsenal Liverpooool Tottingham
  13. I know, only realised it wasn't on today this morning, was gutted. I did the same thing! Doh!
  14. V is for Vendetta? It just really pisses me off when players get paid an absolute fortune for a job anyone would love to do then piss it all away because they are complete wastes of skin. And it doesn't help than he couldn't finish a fish supper either. Would love for him to prove me weong and be the next Shearer, but frankly, it's not going to happen. Anyone with eyes can see that he's crap.
  15. The lads a cast iron prick. His atitude stinks, and he's totally shit to boot. He couldn't hit a barn door for fucks sake, it's getting to be a joke now. League 2 standard player with a pub team attitude. Pardew needs to get shot of him in the Summer. He's not even a squad player. We need two more quality strikers and a young prospect who actually shows some potential, unlike this twat.
  16. I think I would actually shoot my load if Villa, the unwashed and Weegan went down. Unfortunately, the bottom four are so eye wateringly s*** that I really can't see Villa or the unwashed going down, even with the m*ckems unrelenting gashness. (Still hilarious though...)
  17. was the story on here that he is very very popular with the squad, heard it a few times. Why shouldn't he be? Have you heard his life story?! Maybe he could transistion to a coach along with Steve Harper.
  18. Me too, it's growing on me. I've always felt that more Black with White stripes is what our shirt should be, normally I would put another stripe in there but our shirt in the latter years of Sir Bobby's era had only 2 stripes and that was a classic and possibly our best modern strip. No chance! Everyone knows that the 95-97 Home shirt is the best ever!
  19. I loved the Adidas shirts. Bought one every season, the most recent one being the yellow one which was a love/hate affair (I loved it!). I haven't bought a puma one, I just think their stuff is a bit tacky, and if that really is the new home shirt, I defo won't buy it! That Nike shirt looks lovely by the way, that's how a shirt should be - simple and classy.
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