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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Have the FA finally grown some balls? Probably not actually, because if they did he would be smashed for all the other rules he constantly breaks.
  2. Bloody hell, there is some weapons grade bullshit being spouted on this thread man!! There's no signal because 52,000 people in a small area tends to fuck up the phone network, not because ho chi min is going to chop off someones legs because Wor Shola just missed a sitter and he bet on him to score!
  3. I fucking hate the England team, and have done for about 6-7 years now. I just can't give my backing to a group of players who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. The World Cup was just the latest in a long line of embarrasments for the nation. I hate Capello too, he's properly spineless and has absolutely no interest in upending the teams status quo. I'd love to be England manager. Rooney, Terry, Ferdinand et al would be getting to fuck off by me personally and that their international careers had ended for good. But it won't happen because no one in the FA has any balls.
  4. Fucking hell man, this is a thread on Judas Carroll! Get a room elsewhere if you want to slag off a shite defender and Mike Williamson!
  5. Oi, that is blatant plaigarism of my post on the last page!
  6. 8 PM Sunday is horrible for Exiles too. And people wanting to make a weekend of it. Might as well just do 7.45 Weds night league matches.
  7. Is selling your very best striker on deadline day without a replacement not a risk? Not really when you're comfortable, 9 places above the relegation zone. I'd have driven Carroll to Merseyside myself for £35 Million! That's a blinding piece of business! We can supplement our squad no end with that money! 9 points is nothing with half the season still to go. I know that 35 million is very very good business - the thing was just that we did not sign a replacement. Our squad was too small before the selling - we would have needed a few players in January instead we've sold one of our best. That is taking a risk. Bearing in mind Carroll is only just getting back to fitness now and there are only 8 games left, we wouldn't have had him anyway and there is absolutely no way we'd have got anything like 35 million for him in the summer.
  8. Why the hell would you sell Harper?! You wouldn't get anything for him!! He's worth far more to us than others. I bet you want to sell Nolan and Ameobi as well! For no other reason than wanting Krul or Forster as our no. 1. I'd rather do it next season (providing one of them are ready to step up) then running the risk of loosing a potensial top (?) solid (?) consistent (?) GK talent. In a MA's transfer-policy-world it makes sense to ship out the "oldies" on high wages, and build on the younger, cheaper, and more sellable assets. Except Harper isn't on high wages and you'd be left with two very young, very inexperienced keepers with no Premiership pedigree. Seriously, do not underestimate what Harper brings to the squad!
  9. Is selling your very best striker on deadline day without a replacement not a risk? Not really when you're comfortable, 9 places above the relegation zone. I'd have driven Carroll to Merseyside myself for £35 Million! That's a blinding piece of business! We can supplement our squad no end with that money!
  10. Why the hell would you sell Harper?! You wouldn't get anything for him!! He's worth far more to us than others. I bet you want to sell Nolan and Ameobi as well!
  11. I'd like to see Harper as No.1 for the first half of next season with Forster as No.2. Halfway through the season, I'd like to see Forster blooded more with the aim of him being No.1 by the season end. Krul would be on loan, preferably to another Premier league club, in the same way Hart did at Birmingham. The season after I would like to see Harper move to No.3 in a mainly coaching role with Forster and Krul our two main keepers. Harper has been at our club for 18 years, his effect on the other players cannot be underestimated and I feel he has the personality to become a good goalkeeping coach.
  12. TBH, Ashley is keeping us steady at the minute despite his unlikeable traits. I wouldn't want us to become the plaything of an Indian owner with no emotional buy in. At least Ashley's interest is kept by him trying to break even. We are in a relationship of mutual convenience at the moment with Ashley. If he manages to learn that he should be leaving the football side of things to the manager whilst managing the financial side himself, we could become a steady top 6 club whilst staying in the black. This is my ultimate aim. Indian owners has got 'massive risk' written all over it.
  13. harsh on sky every f***ing brain dead media outlet puts that tripe out I don't understand. Are you saying Scholes doesn't do about 15 red card worthy fouls every match?
  14. But it's that loveable scamp, Paul Scholes! Look how funny it is when he can't tackle! Ho, ho, ho.... Or so Sky say.
  15. Reported Private joke A Black man kicked off with this honkey bitch ass mother f***er in the SU yesterday. He said "If yo' girlfriend weren't here man, I'd smash yo' face!". It was like 8 mile, only there was a distinct lack of music. Thought they were going to go freeworld on his ass. I drive by 8 Mile almost everyday and I can categorically deny that there is any merit to that statement. He would smash the others head in regardless of who was there to witness it. Is that on your way to buy crack No way man, I don't get my crack from dirty places like that. I stick in the suburbs. Do you roll with 3-1-3 or Freeworld, Ameritoon? I live in the 734, I can't associate with either of those gangs. Area code means a lot here. I bet you're White. He's has access to the internet, of course he's white! **Joke! I love black people! Especially those who initials are CT!**
  16. Europe was a realistic target this morning. Now we have very little chance. I would take 9th now. Hopefully Big Mike will give Big Pards some cash now, we need a 2nd XI too, you know!
  17. It's a joke, you massive stick-in-the-mud!
  18. The standard of refereeing worldwide is shocking and FIFA/the FA is to blame. THEY set the rules and THEY are responsible for enforcing them. If a referee makes a flagrantly incorrect decision i.e. Rooney's elbow or not booking a player for diving (it's cut and dry, it's either a penalty or a yellow card for diving if someone goes down in the box and appeals), then the referees should be relegated and fined. As for competency, clearly referees are not getting trained correctly because to be fair, my daughter could do a better job than them. And she's 1. The excuses "The ref can't see everything", "it all happens so fast" etc are easily mitigated by the use of a TV ref ala rugby and cricket. It DOESN'T disrupt the game and 99.9% of sensible fans would welcome it. FIFA/the FA have no balls and I hope fans go away in droves because of it, because Football has gone utterly rubbish in the last 15 years due to money and diving. Something big needs to happen at a high level and I hope some sort of alternate FIFA appears, because I really struggle to enjoy watching Rooney/Gerrard/Drogba/Vand der Vaart doing their umpteenth dive and the referees buying it. It seems you just aren't allowed to tackle anymore and it's boring. Football is getting more and more like netball these days, footballers are just soft cheating hateable cunts now, and the Referees really don't help things. Show some leadership FFS and book players who gob off at you! Book divers! Tell Terry to fuck off when he gets in your face! It's YOUR game to control and not the usual 'Big five' teams.
  19. I'm sure bacon face has a really strict regime at manure. Hence why shrek is constantly photographed on the piss/smoking/eating chicken nuggets on holiday and Rio was always caning the drugs. Yeah, real strict...
  20. Not really worried about Beckford TBH. Fellaini being out is a big bonus. Provided we can play with some passion and drive, we can turn these over West Ham style. Just let's not have another Bolton style capitulation please!
  21. I agree with all of the above posts. I fucking hate the Premier League, Sky, the FA and FIFA. EVERYTHING is completely aligned purely to serve the purpose of lining the pockets of players at 'big' clubs and their media/FA chums. Football is absolutely riddled with corruption, the fact that dirty harry hasn't had his bum smacked yet for perma-tapping up, Rooney hasn't been punished, Bacon Face not speaking to the BBC, Russia, Qatar etc etc etc etc.... /fume
  22. FUCK! How the fuck did Arsenal choke against a team this shit?! Total waste of a waffa cup spot.
  23. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/sep/28/rhys-johnson-air-gun-death That'll have been a freak 1 in a 1000 shot, like in the eye or the Jugular. Still sad though...
  24. Love the way the NOTW make it sound as serious as possible! "High powered rifle"? It's an air rifle for f***s sake, little bit of a bruise and that's all. High powered rifle makes it sound like he shot him with bloody sniper rifle and killed him! Nothing like a little bit of exhaggeration my the NOTW though is there!
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