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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. After an embarrassment like that, probably, yes.
  2. I'm hoping the 4-0 is a bit of a reality check for the spuds fans (media wankfest included), and brings them back down to where they belong. However, I can't see this happening and we'll continue to get Dirty Harry and Wilkins continuing to pollute Sky and the scum with shite about how spurs will win the league and all. Couldn't happen to a nicer set of fans (and players)!
  3. His behaviour every season is a disgrace. Quadruple amputation is the only punishment big enough for this arsehole.
  4. I'm getting a bit bored of this selling Carroll chat now like. We got £35 Million for the white Heskey. We can get the team we need for a genuine European push next season with that.
  5. Not end of discussion! I think he has been better for us now. It's just that when he was at City in those early days, he didn't have as much of a bad reputation, therefore people were more willing to praise him in the media. Nowadays, for a pundit to say anything good about JB is akin to saying that you are in league with the devil.
  6. Perhaps shouldn't have been said BUT all true, unfortunately. You're damn right it's all true. Also, this is why they wear black arm bands every 5 seconds, to try and make it look like it was their tragedy, and not their fault. Self pitying twunts need to take a look inwards.
  7. He probably can't keep up. We should have sold the twat when there was still interest in him.
  8. I really can't stand international weekends. They should just bin them off and play England matches concurrent to the normal PL schedule. I couldn't be more indifferent to England if I tried.
  9. Any Liverpool manager will dismiss terraces, as Terraces are the scapegoat that covers up for the murderers. Not the fact that they are a bunch of wall pushing, corpse pickpocketing cunts of the highest order.
  10. If we sold Forster, MA needs executing. We have our two keepers for the future already. By the time Harper is finished, the other two will be ready. And those who are slating Harper, that is knee-jerkism at it's worst.
  11. At least Gosling has some potential. Smith is a spent force.
  12. (No shit keeper thank god) Raylor Saylor Campbell Perch Jonas Smith Guthrie Lovenkrands Kuqi Best Jesus wept. We have got the shittest second XI in all four of the top divisions.
  13. Agreed. I'd love five minutes in a locked room with that little shitcunt.
  14. They knew what they were getting when they bought him. I doubt they thought he'd chuck darts at youth team players from a first floor window. That sort of behaviour will land him either in prison or hospital. Just like it did with Ashley Cole? Oh. Makes me sick TBH. Kids see this, then see the manager telling everyone what a great guy he is then kids assume that this is acceptable behaviour.
  15. Heard quite a few stories about the lad, sounds like more of a bellend than he actually looks which is an achievement. Footballer in 'Total bellend' shocker! Maybe the tabloids will have to start running 'Footballer is actually an alright guy - shocker' type stories!
  16. They knew what they were getting when they bought him. I doubt they thought he'd chuck darts at youth team players from a first floor window. That sort of behaviour will land him either in prison or hospital.
  17. If I was manager I'd cancel his contract then pursue him through the courts to repay his transfer fee. What a total twunt.
  18. Man City are the footballing equivalent of Michael Carroll.
  19. So, not only did the murderers ruin Europe for everyone, they've also ruined our football grounds too. Thanks very much, Liverpool.
  20. The four points thing isn't important, it's the number of teams below us.
  21. It'll be a step backwards if we ever play 3-5-2 again!
  22. He's talking about 56 thousand Geordies, but all I can see is one cunt in a cardigan.
  23. The 3-5-2 needs to be consigned to the bin forever. We also need two quality strikers and a back up LB. And a miracle.
  24. Balotelli is no unusual case. I could name hundreds of modern footballers who are complete oxygen thieves.
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