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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Should have scored there Gouffran, took too long to get the 2nd shot off. Brilliant from Atsu.
  2. We're just hoofing the ball forward when we finally get a hold of it.
  3. Aiston


    Sounds like Inter Milan have won the Alvarez case, Sunderland will have to pay them €10.5m
  4. When it comes to distribution he is the worst player in the squad other than Perez. It would be absolutely appalling if he cannot improve it.
  5. Both of them pretty much been the assist of the assists.
  6. Yet, he's hopeless at helping his centre backs. That's not what he's there for though Yes it is, one of things he has to do, he and Colback have to protect the back 4 when we don't have the ball...yet he has an inability to do so.
  7. Wish we could just take the Sissoko money out of the bank and stick in in the #10 position on the pitch, more chance of it doing something than Diame.
  8. Both he and Shelvey absolutely atrocious defensively today, costing us 2 of the 3 goals. At least Shelvey has his passing to help us, Colback has fuck all in his game.
  9. So s*** for the Norwich 2nd goal, awful defending. At fault with Colback for the 3rd Norwich goal too..made no attempt to get back at first and it was too late when he tried after the attacker got away from Ginge.
  10. Should have had 6. The hat trick shouldn't mask his poor shooting in a few games.
  11. Dwight "take several chances to score one" Gayle.
  12. He's only played 111 minutes and the majority of that was in a 6-0 win in which he scored It's completely his own fault about only playing 111 minutes mind.
  13. Aiston


    This is brilliant, as long as the FA don't come for Rafa.
  14. Aiston

    Matz Sels

    He cost us 2 points yesterday, a point against Huddersfield and a goal against Wolves. That is far too many mistakes in a short space of time and it could have been even more if we were playing against anyone half decent. Darlow made one mistake last season, when he was thrown into the team with 20 minutes to go. Other than that he looked good and was growing in confidence and ability game by game. Sels is currently getting worse. Did he s****. our out-field players f***ed us yesterday. They had plenty of chances to make it three or four nil but screwed them up.
  15. Aiston

    Matz Sels

    It's amazing how quickly people forget how shit Elliot and Darlow were for us when they started getting games.
  16. Turned to absolute donkey shit in the last 30 minutes. Just gifted the ball to Villa every time he had the ball.
  17. Made the fuck up that helped gift Villa their goal. Needs to up his game massively.
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