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Everything posted by LRD

  1. min fee clause according to the article.
  2. LRD

    Other clubs' transfers

    Man City will rather sell at a loss/send their players on loan to the lower/other divisions than sell them to a title rival so it's pretty much a non-starter for any player of substance.
  3. Already a legend before he signs.
  4. LRD

    Other clubs' transfers

    Don't see Gash around. Must be right now.
  5. 2 caps for France, midfielder, plays in continental Europe. Could he be the mystery international midfielder?
  6. LRD

    Other clubs' transfers

    Wenger has bid 8m for Samba. Very good buy if he can pull it off.
  7. Indeed. http://shop.fulhamfc.com/instore/images/1227l-1.jpg Fulham 'You can't recognise a Kappa?' GK kit 11/12
  8. Aye, it's a fairly decent kit. http://www.safc.com/ptvFlash/sunderland/AwayKit2011/images/01.jpg
  9. LRD


    http://www.safc.com/javaImages/a0/a/0,,10281~9702048,00.jpg Teaser for Sunderland away kit to be unveiled tomorrow. Someone do a black and white mock-up and post it at RTG?
  10. Inspired by piano keys?
  11. Actually I think the laurels would have looked okay if they had shrunk the crest size accordingly. http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8824/arsenalsmaller.jpg http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/8824/arsenalsmaller.jpg
  12. 2 types of leaves, no less. Very AS Monaco-esque about that kit. Didn't Wenger used to manage them?
  13. Morgan's right with all things Man U. evertons my guess I have a feeling it's Spurs.
  14. At least you were faster than Ameobi.
  15. Mate, no football videos allowed here.
  16. What a c***. Bobby Charlton must be laughing every time the England squad is announced. 'Sicknote, you're nowhere near my record.' Ironic that the only team he cares for is ignoring him and making him pissed off yet he gets a medal for doing nowt with Man U and then tries to big up his contributions.
  17. LRD

    Players in public

    At your own risk.
  18. LRD

    Other clubs' transfers

    They can still fit Carroll in with Suarez and Aguero though. Carroll Suarez Aguero Raul Gerrard DM A further bit of strengthening in other areas will make them title contenders no less. And Liverpool is actually matching Man City in the stakes - Aguero's release clause is 38.5m.
  19. Just f***ing imagine Puma coming out with all that kinda bumf with the Newcastle Kit f***ing Puma. What a bunch of c***s. More like it's meant for the Poznan.
  20. LRD


    The politicians are having a bitch fight with the judges, he thought he'd get a slap in to really get it going. Strange that he's trying to take the moral high ground when his wife is an alleged kitten chief! http://m.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/feb/07/mps-wife-court-kitten-theft?cat=politics&type=article
  21. Also noticed on Krul's jersey that Puma have their logos on the sleeves changed to white.
  22. Wenger's direct quotes? Can see this being a watershed summer for Arsenal, especially with 'challenging for the title' couple of months back to not even a 2nd or 3rd place finish. Guess the need for some real strengthening finally hit home.
  23. LRD

    Steven Taylor

    Doesn't take much to be better than Ameobi and Lovenkrands tbf.
  24. LRD

    Steven Taylor

    Thought I read somewhere that he did start out as a striker. Aye, was a striker in his younger days.
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