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Everything posted by LRD

  1. Unlimited transfers for that gameweek so don't waste it.
  2. LRD

    Other clubs' transfers

    Crazy they don't even sell before they buy. It's like they only know how to do incomings, and their first team numbers are huge now. Good luck with the wages if they go down. Probably won't happen though.
  3. One per gameweek but you can carry over a transfer so you can use (max) 2 the next week.
  4. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/5343/zpink.jpg To her left...
  5. Just like last season, they allowed Lennon to cut in from the left. I would have thought our players (not just Simpson) have learned to close him down and force him down the left where he has to cross with his weaker left.
  6. LRD

    James Perch

    Exactly. Pardew made the right tactical call while everyone else was debating Williamson losing his place as 3rd choice CH. It worked a treat. Kudos to Pards for showing wise tactical flexibility.
  7. LRD

    Steven Taylor

    I had a good laugh at that awkward yet rather clever piece of work too. Nothing beats the Cisse stunner at Chelsea last season though (in a different way). I was left speechless with with an open mouth after letting out a mandatory shout. Love those opposition players' reactions to these incidents. vdV and Drogba (along with Pardew) last season. It's like 'I would/could never have done that!'
  8. LRD

    James Perch

    Having a midget like Defoe in their team was probably a factor in choosing Perch over Williamson. Perch is a better bet than the slow-turning Williamson against an agile Defoe. It also helps that they have no Adebayor to own Perch in the air, which is a definite weakness of his.
  9. LRD

    Steven Taylor

    Thought I saw a glimpse of vdV smiling after Krul collected the ball from Saylor's improvised header.
  10. You can view them after the transfer deadline for each gw is over. Works fine for me.
  11. Just realised too. I usually wait for the team news before I make any final adjustments. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4395/98291278.jpg
  12. LRD


    Yeah, he already has a Dutch passport but FIFA requires 5 years residency to represent another country. That's why he has to stay til August to be eligible for Holland. We probably won't know until near the end of the transfer window whether this is a goer.
  13. Dawson is their captain which makes it more likely he'll start over Kaboul.
  14. Curious, does the national service exemption apply to medals in any sports, or is it just the football team with the privilege?
  15. Does that mean no national service exemption for him? Gonna suck if that got away cos of some naivety on his part.
  16. LRD

    Papiss Cissé

    It would have been fine if the Olympics weren't sandwiched between 2 ACoNs. The club made the right call in this. With a bit of luck, he'll miss the next ACoN too. Will be all ours for the season.
  17. Don't know if it's area-specific but they are streaming it live on the official olympic channel on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/olympic
  18. LRD

    St James' Park

    The 'Newcastle United' is allowed, isnt it? This from twitter earlier... My bad, wrong corner...
  19. LRD

    St James' Park

    I know they can't show the SportsDirect signs. Didn't know 'Newcastle United' is not allowed though.
  20. LRD

    Loïc Rémy

    As if I take Wiki at face value. Click on the link which refers to a translated article at OM's website before u facepalm
  21. LRD

    Loïc Rémy

    Where's the final year of contract from? Wiki has him signed with OM for 5 years in 2010. Link in references seems to suggest so too. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.om.net%2Ffr%2FSaison%2F101005%2FActualites%2F48184%2FLoic_Remy_a_signe_pour_5_ans&act=url
  22. http://www.epltalk.com/media/2012/07/man-united-away-shorts-600x346.jpg Great away shorts boxers to go with the top. Kagawa's lass would love that.
  23. The least he can look like Shola
  24. LRD

    Rangers Newco

    Or rather EPL, which you'll hear very often around here.
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