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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Over 1.5 s.kor-alg/over 1.5 portugal cards
  2. cousin thought bosnia was good odds at 10/11 before the game...whereas nigeria were 7/2.....silly odds. Shame i didn't go with my instinct. fuckin ghana man
  3. Betfair: "3/1 GERMANY WIN" Me: Aye, al sign wor lass up get meself a free £30. Befair:
  4. haha class man. Argies on the work sweepstake, do it you little shit!
  5. a fuckin moveable feast f*** my life.
  6. Can't remember one, haven't seen a direct freekick goal either, right?
  7. Canny challenge from Debuchy Neewhere near the ball.
  8. Oh well, there's always Newcastle's season to look forward to.
  9. http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/archive/b/b5/20120914120348!Exploding-head.gif
  10. hansen cant keep the smirk off his face the cunt
  11. I just can't wait till the Germans win.
  12. http://replygif.net/i/701.gif http://d1mxyp5ceukbya.cloudfront.net/images/sad-jon-snow.gif http://www.somegif.com/gifs/1388217133662722523.GIF http://sadgirlsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/tumblr_mnsrc5y4dd1qbvihuo1_500.gif http://d2tq98mqfjyz2l.cloudfront.net/image_cache/1402435164289295_animate.gif http://geeksout.org/sites/default/files/blog-images/crying%20sansa.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/b07e723f518417ef9da80499cf9ff3da/tumblr_mnsy6ebR1e1r3losno2_500.gif cowie jaw
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