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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Alreet marra. Sorry, proper pet hate
  2. Meh. Man U are good at the min, can't expect it to be gifted to us. Hope we're on our game at Wembley and these cunts underestimate us. Honestly wouldn't like to guess what way it'll go. I think we can do them if we put our chances away but definitely not naive enough to think it's going to be anything other than a fuckin big stressful 90 mins.
  3. Nah, that won't get overturned. It was a fair decision imo.
  4. Their simply is no way to keep everyone happy. I just want them to release the info so it can be put to bed.
  5. Wilson


    Have to admit, other way round and I'd be raging, although I probably wouldn't be watching them. I watched the coverage on catch up once I got back last night, and it was none stop NUFC leg humping ha lovely stuff.
  6. Fuck me man just enjoy it, did it spoil your neet like? Aye it was loud, I still sang Tell me ma me ma at the top of my voice and fuckin loved every minute of it. As did many thousands around the ground.
  7. Wilson

    Safe standing

    Dangerous standing more like, am I right!?
  8. Aye. Very much depends where you're sat, we'd all love it to be bouncing from every corner but that's not the way it works. Feel like there's people in here who would gladly take the rtg route and ban people who divnt gan radge for 90 mins.
  9. Wilson

    Dan Burn

    That's fuckin tremendous Longstaff's face as he notices him
  10. Re the comments about atmosphere, my usual seat is in the Milburn 2 blocks up from the gallowgate corner flag, generally feels subdued. I could only manage to get me and the bairn at the back of level 7 tonight, leazes West corner, first time since I had me seat there when it was the singing section and to be honest, we enjoyed it. Standing for the most part, plenty of singing, counteracting their lot when they tried to make a bit of noise, other than an (understandably) edgy 20/25 mins in the 2nd half I couldn't fault it. Anyway, it could be better but it could also be a hell of a lot worse.
  11. Wilson


    Honestly man, not worth the time of day. Wor Flags asks everyone to bring their scarves = Saudi blood money free scarves. Look forward to seeing their attempt to replicate it.
  12. Said it a few times, to win something now would be fucking glorious, for obvious reasons but also so people couldn't use the the 'YOU BOUGHT IT ALL WITH BLOOD MONEY' shite. Naturally, due to our owners and the fact every fucker else does it, we'll spend a lot in the coming years but I'd absolutely love to get some success before then so it doesn't take away from the work Eddie and the lads have done.
  13. I fuckin love this cunt. Everything he says is exactly what should be said. A lot of managers in the league could learn from his attitude.
  14. Got home and watched from 90 mins on catchup... Longstaff close to tears in his interview. Brilliant from him today.
  15. He got a good farewell. Never been his biggest fan nor a massive critic, canny servant and pleased he's had a decent send off the neet. Wish him well.
  16. I love it. Rave/dance music is a massive part of the younger generations identity in the NE now like it or not. Not sure how anyone can't like the rave he gone outside of SJ metro station
  17. I'll sound like an absolute doom merchant here but they're 14/1 to qualify if anyone's wanting to cover their depression should the worst happen
  18. Wilson

    Fabian Schär

    It's scary the way he says it Slight undertone of 'don't laugh I'm not fucking joking'
  19. Looking forward to waking up, going to work in the dining room and shaking like a shitting dog until I head over to town.
  20. Has this been confirmed? Just seen this.
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