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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Still of the opinion we got there in spite of him. The team we had was tremendous. Loved it over Bruges and enjoyed the team doing well but with him towing the line for Ashley it was all ultimately pointless as fuck. Pardew can fuck off.
  2. As long as it's 6 thunderbastards within the first 30 minutes to settle the nerves, I don't care.
  3. Play on Hatem's 'HOPE' banner. I think.
  4. My history is back now...with the Wembley ticket omitted which was there before. Got my confirmation email and money paid from bank so not worried about it.... I think.
  5. Aye i get its necessary but a bit gutted they've had to do that.
  6. Only some of us have. There's a lot of entitled fans about these days. Don't get me wrong, I've had a pop at things because we definitely have flaws... but some people completely miss the bigger picture.
  7. Aye, do one 'wrong again'... condescending arsehole. I'm well aware he can make mistakes and isn't above criticism. As much as people are trying to defend him, you're going the opposite direction to pick faults.
  8. Ideally he would have been away on loan to the championship. Feel like this season won't be doing his development much good.
  9. Pretty sure Howe was very reluctant to let him go and pretty sure he said that himself. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't his decision?
  10. Injury and red card free please. Keep calm big Joe! Can see this being 90 minutes of stress.
  11. Hope yous have a blast, if I wasn't heading down there I would have dragged a mate or 2 here.
  12. Said before the game anything other than a win would be disappointing, while it is disappointing, after the way we played I can't complain too much with a draw, could have easily been a defeat. People can blame Maxi, people can have a go at Burn but the fact is nobody really turned up, they need to take that on the chin as a team and use it as motivation to put a performance in next week. Still unbeaten.
  13. Aye, can't see anything else tbh. He'll start v Liverpool, the leagues still important.
  14. No Joe or Bruno v Liverpool? Don't be daft may as well forfeit.
  15. Aye the equaliser he created in the first half is worth fuck all.
  16. Isak needs to change his boots a think, slipping about a bit. Could dee with a few Sunday dinners n'al
  17. And that contribution led to an equaliser, exactly what he's capable of but people tend to forget he can be a game changer. Done very well there, from diving to keep it in play to the final ball.
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