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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Get in. Enjoying the fuckin fuck out if this.
  2. Fucks sake bruno... Doesn't feel like a friendly this
  3. Loving watching this but we look off the pace early doors, these look quality.
  4. Someone give the commentator the new team sheet.
  5. Some have definitely found ways around it.
  6. Some of them do need it to stop them from being blocked.
  7. Those using it, what do you tend to pay for 12 month?
  8. Wilson


    Never understood this either tbh, we call them sad mackem bastards (personally I prefer 'scruffs down the road' but whatever).... They call us our 'nickname'. Do they think it annoys us or something?
  9. Wilson


    Talking about Bruce... 'you went into the game knowing you had a better chance of losing than winning' That's 'Bruce's way'.
  10. Wilson


    Ahh man. Love the bloke. The shit he went through at first, to where he is now
  11. Aye. I'm expecting a few legal battles coming our way, don't expect to lose many.
  12. Wilson

    St James' Park

    I suppose this is where we disagree. Whilst it is manic for tickets at the moment, if we reach the success the owners are aiming for tickets will be like hens teeth. I don't think where we're at now is peak demand, and that's before even considering 'tourists'. Edit: Don't get me wrong by the way, I'm not one of these who think we'll pack out 100k week in week out, I just think 60k would be a modest jump.
  13. Wilson

    St James' Park

    I'm not saying it's endless, I just think if they're going to go through the trouble of expanding, they should probably aim higher than 60k....just my opinion of course, which doesn't take into account the whole 'how do we expand significantly without moving' debate
  14. Wilson

    St James' Park

    You're probably not wrong, at the moment, but you have to take into account that this is only the start, if the owners ambitions are realised I dare say an increase of 8k would fall short of demand more often than not.
  15. Wilson

    St James' Park

    It's 7 hours after they went on sale to members and this is what's left. The demand is ridiculous.
  16. It's Amir Hussain who's on here. Trance (and other stuff) dj/producer.
  17. Really? Would be fantastic and she'd be over the moon!
  18. Yes... The wooly hat and bag look absolutely shite and my daughter wouldn't use them, whereas she wanted to buy a badge at the club shop but they had none, so I'd be happy with that for her, but even a sort of membership card or something she would be buzzing with. Hope that's alright with you and clears any confusion .... I want her to receive something she'll be happy with.
  19. At work so can't watch, pleased to read this, I'm hoping it's our 1st choice pairing.
  20. Aye definitely, I honestly couldnt care less if they just sent the ticket tbh as that's all you're bothered about in the long run.
  21. I was hoping for, not expecting, some kind of material confirmation for the bairns membership, as opposed to just a login. Something to say she was a member, maybe a card, welcome letter, anything as she would be buzzing. I only mentioned the stuff my mate received because if that's the kind of thing she'd get, I'd rather they didn't bother. She really wanted a little tie pin/badge thing but couldn't find one in the club shop, i think I'll just be passing on the pack they gave me for my ticket as I've no use for it. Edit: They're 22 quid
  22. Was hoping the bairn would get something for her junior magpie membership, after seeing what my mates little'n got for her season ticket I'm not so sure now Looks straight from the Mike Ashley reject pile.
  23. Working from home... But still managed to stick a half day in to help me mate move house, turns out he didn't need much help so I've had to settle for the club.
  24. I'm so far out of touch with any players/club/thing outside of Newcastle. Not a clue.
  25. Nowt wrong with batman
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