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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. people saying the money we get for jose will go towards a replacement.....were they not saying the other week that we already have money put aside for a replacement?
  2. disputed dental bill though? wtf is that about
  3. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/07/19/us-visa-approved-too-late-for-yohan-cabaye-72703-29079848/ s*** as f***
  4. can't believe we're the laughing stock of the visa application world...we'll never live this one down
  5. fuckin hell ... looks more like 28 days later
  6. They said "Alex Morgan did well to let that come across her." and I giggled like a little asshole. she's hot as fuck....as was that hope solo,kept me watching
  7. Or the east stand being named the bobby robson stand with a percentage going to the foundation. It should have been renamed ages ago....although shearers is probly more realistic
  8. We never made an offer so why would we know his wage demands? exactly. was there ever really any concrete interest? (apart from the apparent january bid) It seems over the past month or so its all been "a source close to zog said...." .... and now we're 'admitting defeat', as if we were in competition with villa
  9. just assumed the money was going towards new players and their contracts, not current players wages....difference being it reduces the amount we had to spend probably my own fault, for actually believing something i read
  10. How can anyone take any of that as gospel, man. Jesus f***ing Christ. Well what would you rather he said, yeah we gonna spend it and then f*** all happens. At least were being told straight about where it's going. Also to you f***ing idiots Pardew said straight after when Carroll was sold that the £35M would need to include wages for players as well, so don't go on about you didn't know this bollocks. aye, but when that was said...i (dunno about everyone else) assumed he meant new players and their wages, didnt expect them to be earmarking some of it for in case Jose signs a new deal. (cant remember where i read that, may well have been the ronnie gill) have to admit, the optimism i had earlier in the window is definitely disappearing after hearing some of the s**** he's coming out with about Zog etc
  11. took the day off as well....but staying in town till about half 5-6....darlo's a s*** hole read on the darlo website the grounds about 25 min walk from the station http://www.conferencegrounds.co.uk/darlington.htm#By%20Train
  12. Wilson

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    be good to see him back on the pitch tomorrow hope he can manage his major role whilst fighting for his first team place....
  13. good to see us stepping up our interest since downings made his move jesus christ
  14. with that positive avatar i can't do anything else but believe you
  15. aye, its a bit of a shitter i wish i could bury me head in the sand during every transfer window and just find out the squad at the end make it less stressful. but instead i sit at work f5'ing it
  16. exactly http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u158/joglynne/smillies/panicbutton.gif
  17. was it not in the echo as well? :frantic:
  18. i fucking hope not, if he's says he's staying, he's gone...if he's says he's going, he's gone
  19. hmm....as good as ours? seems he's trying to stop it going to the panel
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