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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. and drown out the 'get out of our club' chants with sholaaaaaa, or sammyyyyy (whatever takes your fancy)
  2. f*** off, just f*** off.
  3. i'd love him to go abroad used to love the bloke, but i just wish he'd hurry up and f*** off now so we can 'move on'
  4. You're only interested in what the first 11 looks like on September 1st. I take it you're not going to the Arsenal and Fulham games, or Sunderland away.
  5. totally disillusioned at the minute daily fail reckons its nearer 10 million
  6. http://img.skysports.com/10/09/218x298/Perch_2497050.jpg versatile as fuck this
  7. Wilson

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    seems a fair bet to me mate an expensive free transfer and tavernier and co getting a spot on the bench
  8. Wilson

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Surely you're not suggesting that we go for players with no intention of actually buying them of course not no-one's that cynical surely?
  9. Wilson

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    didnt psg deny we'd even tabled a bid last week? the soap opera continues
  10. Wilson

    Joey Barton

    I'm michael jackson, and i'm doing time cha-mon, I'm in the clink with my comeday hero; Ronnay Barkay
  11. done a u-turn on my earlier thoughts on his situation, wish he'd just fuck off now tbh
  12. he's shite cant wait till he tears simpson a new one this season
  13. cousins just decided he wants to come, despite me blagging him and him refusing weeks ago! cant get hold of an extra ticket so if anyones got one.... let me know please cheers
  14. well thats the worst headline out of the lot
  15. sick of hearing the bridge link, it just doesnt seem like the type of player we'll bring in, age and wages
  16. just sees a couple of pics on another forum...one of the geordie section, not a bad turnout considering where it is! http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/8379/sdc10320e.jpg and jose's body language!!! http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/1058/sdc10321b.jpg http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/4414/sdc10322w.jpg
  17. listened to some of it, had a bit of a giggle at when he described someone as "streaking up the middle of the pitch" simple things
  18. if its out like the bar at half time in Darlo, half the drink will be wasted by spraying it round like champagne....there was full bottles of beer getting thrown about, one hit me cousin in the foreheed....cunts
  19. more shite to keep us hanging probably, like the 'movement on the nufc striker' comment which turned out to be an enquiry about crouch
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