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Everything posted by LV

  1. Love Birtles ’He looks scruffy’
  2. LV

    Callum Wilson

    Ready for the fight for 17th place again next season
  3. I think the ‘Director decision’ means the decision about MBS/ the Saudi state being a director, not the decision about the outcome of the whole test.
  4. I’d go back purely to hurl abuse at this rat for 90mins so he and the world knows what we really think of him. I fear there’d only be a few of us doing it though while the others sat by and tutted.
  5. This absolute fucking gibbon should be run out of town for that interview alone
  6. So how will things be different if we do win this case?
  7. Ok let’s say this does get to court and we win the case. What sanction can the court impose on the PL? Can they force them to approve the takeover? Or will it just be to get them to apply the O&D process again? If so, what’s to stop the PL just doing the same again in demanding that the Saudi govt/ MBS be a director and either not making a decision or deciding they fail the test? Are we really any closer to a takeover if we win?
  8. I understand it’s not necessarily a good defence but I want to understand what happens if they do it anyway. As in, will they see it as a better option than disclosing their incriminating documents (which could lead to further investigations and sanctions) and having to pass the takeover. We’ll see I suppose. Hopefully the bit about using AWS cloud is right and they can’t delete things and we will somehow be able to get our mitts on them. And hopefully that means they settle out of court and we get the takeover this club needs.
  9. The PL could do it without involving the solicitor. Do it all on the sly and their solicitors have plausible deniability. I just don’t see how anyone would find out unless as you say a third party or our side could go in to have a look at the records and see if anything has been deleted. Even then, is it guaranteed they’d find anything. It wouldn’t be the Police going in or anyone doing it evidentially as it’s a civil case. Im really hoping that this is something significant but really want to understand if the PL can wriggle out of this and just take the legal version of a smacked bum.
  10. What’s the fine for that though? Could they be willing to suck it up to avoid submitting the documents and also avoid passing the takeover? I’m concerned it’ll be like £50 and a rap on the knuckles for being naughty
  11. I just don’t believe the PL will submit the documents that will incriminate them. Dickie has probably been in all weekend shredding stuff and spamming F5 on CCleaner
  12. How do you feel about Gary Birtles’ commentary? Fella sounds like he wants to kill everyone and then himself whenever he’s on. Also, ‘Ando’ on radio Newcastle when he’s doing commentary. As well as having completely bizarre opinions the bloke is as miserable as sin.
  13. You’re definitely not going to get that in here
  14. Can we have a Positive Football Random Thoughts thread please? I don’t want to hear anyone else’s differing opinions
  15. They don’t mind. It’s part of his claim. He’s claiming for loss of sale or potential loss of sale and profit. Doesn’t mean PIF aren’t still in if the restrictions are lifted by the PL.
  16. LV

    Football governance

    Absolutely. It was embarrassing how those who tried to take a stand by walking out early under Pardew for example were given such a hard time by the ‘support the team’ lot.
  17. He really did just stop evolving in the mid-90s didn’t he
  18. The stench of that performance is gonna linger for weeks
  19. I think this is exactly what it is. I think this Keith and his NCSL is part of the wider legal strategy and is a device to put pressure on the PL outside of the legal process. Maybe DeMarco has for some info but he can’t be seen to release it so passes it to a friendly journalist or Keith with the intention of threatening to release it into the public domain as part of pressure on the PL to come to terms before arbitration. Maybe they never intended to actually publish, it’s just part of the game. Unfortunately, it’s us who are having to ride the emotional rollercoaster about it all as we don’t know what’s actually going on.
  20. Pretty sure that’s what he’s alluding to. That it’s good news if he’s not allowed to release it because it means that the PL are going to let the takeover through rather than allow this info out into the public domain
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